Thursday, August 30, 2007

Good Nipples For A 2 Month Old

Dollar Euro Style Snake

Chi non muore si rivede qualcuno mi dirà!

Si piccola pausa estiva, parzialmente dai mercati, e totalmente dal blog, il caldo e l'afa e impegni di varia natura mi hanno tenuto lontano da queste amate pagine. Un'estate di terrore nei mercati finanziari, ma poiché il mercato non ci ha ucciso ne siamo usciti più forti, ed è arrivato il momento di consolidare...sì per le valute!

Elliot paragonava i movimenti boristici alle maree io li paragono ai serpenti, viscidi e bastardi! ( per queste parole sarò costretto a fare una donazione cospicua al WWF )

Partiamo subito in casa con una visione giornaliera di Euro dollaro.
Abbiamo testato il supporto dell'oramai noto canale rialzista da mesi promosso, ne abbiamo parlato talmente tanto che ci siamo persino stufati, ma non solo noi...è tempo di cambiare aria, i movimenti del serpente hanno aumentato la frequenza e sono sempre di ampiezza minore, sembra quasi si voglia arrotolare su se stesso per poi fare l'ultimo balzo.

What do I mean?

right to take the daily chart timeframe, the first thing I want to point out are the minimum and maximum, minimum and maximum closer to each other both temporally and in terms of movement and size. This means slowing down, which indicates laterality, and in fact after the jolt in the markets it is natural to go through a period of uncertainty and adjustment ... so we take seriously a long period of laterality of the cross. Also confirmed in the oscillators, we see just as the CCI is forming also decreasing the maximum and minimum growing, forming a cone.

volatility begins to decline and this also confirms the expectations of laterality! A side that could be between the upper trendline fuchsia and red through the static for the last minimum. What does this mean? means that we should not amaze a possible rupture of the famous uplink channel.

said that we believe you should leave the operation of short / medium term and move a timeframe and then make intraday and multiday operation of short (4-5 days maximum). Some would say ... but if you think there will be a period side who simply do not go against the identified strengths and supprt.

First we think that there will be a period of laterality, the scenario is not yet well defined, there are good conditions, but like any analysis may be wrong. So we prefer to keep our habits and take advantage of the trend follower small trend identified in the lower timeframe, we may make transactions in the contrarian at a time when we will see that there appears to be exploitable and with low risk.

In the next post we will try to identify and then, again weather permitting, exploitable situations for short-term operations.

Stay tuned, the Forex is back!