- > FIB, TRADING E DERIVATI (XI) : Nuova edizione !!!!
- > TRENDS: tutte le rubriche... da vedere !!!
- > GENERAL MOTORS: The showdown
- > U.S. debt: how much?
- > ANALYSIS RATIOS: accumulation or distribution?
- > GOLD IS BACK TO $ 1,000 / OZ
- > ... plus many other posts! Visionateli in homepage!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Australian To American Drivers
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Why Is My Cat Not Having A Bowel Movement
- > TRENDS: all categories ... to see!
- > MAY BLOCK NOTES: It 'just been born but is already well commented. You will also find the link for the last few months Notes Block
- > SENSEX AND NIFTY: INDIA to the rescue!
- > ECB's quantitative easing, Covered Bonds and Pfandbriefe
- > ...più molti altri post! Visionateli nella homepage!
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Sunday, May 17, 2009
White Stuff On Baby Tongue
- > TRENDS: all categories ... to see!
- > MAY BLOCK NOTES: E' appena nato ma è già ben commentato. Qui troverete anche il link per i Block Notes dei mesi scorsi
- > ... plus many other posts! Visionateli in homepage!
Well, the list includes posts which I consider most important (click on the headline to view!) But then the reader is to assess ... Also because there would be lots of other things to say and see and I guarantee that there would be room for many other topics.
Council dispassionate Go and groom in the last week, and you will see that there's more ...
I look forward to welcoming you (as comments) on my pages of this diary (including the then post non citati per motivi di spazio.... ) di un...come potrei definirmi... appassionato uomo di finanza indipendente , con la speranza di potervi ritrovare presto e sempre più numerosi.
Inoltre, se volete accedere agli articoli che considero come i più "Importanti" di tutto il Blog (anche se è una questione personale..) vi consiglio di cliccare qui! (V.I.P.)
Buon week end a tutti!
Il presente documento è stato consegnato unicamente
per fini informativi e non pu? essere riprodotto né
distribuito, direttamente or indirectly, to any other person or published, in whole or in part, for any purpose without permission. By accepting this document, you are bound to comply with the above limitations. The information contained herein is based on sources believed to be reliable. Although it makes every reasonable effort to obtain information from sources we believe reliable, we do not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or esattezza.Lo purpose of this document is only to provide updated and accurate as possible. This document is not and can not? be construed as an offer or a solicitation to buy, subscribe or sell products or securities, or to engage in any transaction involving such products or instruments. We can not guarantee any specific result on information contained herein, and assumes no responsibility for the outcome or results of operations recommended by the same product. Any decision of investment / disinvestment is the sole responsibility of the person receiving the advice and recommendations, which can? decide whether or not to implement them. Therefore, no liability can arise against the author of this document, for any loss, damage or lower earnings that the individual user may suffer as a result of the operations conducted on the basis of the information and / or recommendations contained in this documento.Le estimates and opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. Site Feed
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Discoloration Dog Lip
What women look for in a man? Oh well ... by the smile, pass well and sympathy all the qualities that go beyond the beauty rescued after discovering that none of my friends tell me anything about the plot of the movie Australia, but all I describe the scene where the herdsman, you know what 'actor who has made another film, well I'm short devivederlo throws bucket of water on him. It will be because they all have married his brother is smarter than Einstein, who rushed to buy the bucket?
Friday, May 8, 2009
Best Shower Head For Women
- > FIB, AND DERIVATIVES TRADING (XI) : New edition! !
- > TRENDS: all categories ... to see!
- > MAY BLOCK NOTES: It 'just been born but is already well commented. You will also find the link for the last few months Notes Block
- > BAGS EAST EUROPE: CDS and prospects : Eastern Europe has lost a lot of ground, but ... it is now time to recovery?
- > FIAT OPEL + + CHRYSLER: analysis and evaluation . , but we are sure that the operations Marchionne Brene create so much value in the end?
- > FINANCIAL RISK: il mercato prende coraggio : la borsa sale... e il rischiofinanziario scende. Le ripercussioni sull'intermarket
- > ORO: grafico e analis i : grafico e studio sul metallo giallo.
- > THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND : il post che secondo me testimonia la settimana borsistica in modo ideale. Da leggere!
- > SPREAD BUND BTP, CDS e debito complessivo : la rivincita dell'Italia.... E se andiamo a vedere il debito.....
- > Cross EURO-YEN: puzza di inversione? : and here ... there is an air of novelty!
- > U.S. DOLLAR: change the scenario? : the U.S. currency makes a very interesting direction ....
- > STRESS TEST: final results : Finally! and some evaluations ...
- > ... plus many other posts! Visionateli in homepage!
Well, the list includes posts which I consider most important (click on the headline to view!) But then the reader is to assess ... Also because there would be lots of other things to say and see and I guarantee that there would be room for many other topics.
Council dispassionate Go and groom in the last week, and you will see that there's more ...
I look forward to welcoming you (as comments) on my pages of this diary (including the post and then not mentioned for reasons of space ....) ... how could I call myself a ... passionate man of independent finance , hoping to soon be able to find and more and more.
Also, if you want to access the articles that I consider to be the most "Important" from around the Blog (even if it is a matter personale..) vi consiglio di cliccare qui! (V.I.P.)
Buon week end a tutti!
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Friday, May 1, 2009
Northern Ireland Cruising Spots
- > FIB, TRADING E DERIVATI (XI) : Nuova edizione !!!!
- > TRENDS: tutte le rubriche... da vedere !!!
- > BLOCK NOTES DI MAGGIO : E' appena nato ma è già ben commentato. Qui troverete anche il link per i Block Notes dei mesi scorsi
- > GENERAL MOTORS CONVERTE I BONDS IN AZIONI : alla fine la notizia è stata data. Ora la parola agli obbligazionisti.
- > STRESS TEST BANKS AND THE MASSACRE OF THE INNOCENTS : there are no data yet but you can already do the math. And to pay ...
- > BAGS AND MARKET STRATEGIES : operative indications and target on the stock market
- > CROSS EUR / USD: VOLATILITY ' AND ANALYSIS: A Study on particoalre dolalro and cross € U.S. dollar
- > BUSH THE MARKETS: must-watch e. \u200b\u200b.. judge and criticize and comment ...!!
- > more ... many other post! Visionateli in homepage!
Well, the list includes posts which I consider most important (click on the headline to view!) But then the reader is to assess ... Also because there would be lots of other things to say and see and I guarantee that there would be room for many other topics.
Council dispassionate Go and groom in the last week, and you will see that there's more ...
I look forward to welcoming you (as comments) on my pages of this diary (including the post and then not mentioned for reasons of space ....) of un...come potrei definirmi... appassionato uomo di finanza indipendente , con la speranza di potervi ritrovare presto e sempre più numerosi.
Inoltre, se volete accedere agli articoli che considero come i più "Importanti" di tutto il Blog (anche se è una questione personale..) vi consiglio di cliccare qui! (V.I.P.)
Buon week end a tutti!
Il presente documento è stato consegnato unicamente
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