Sunday, June 21, 2009

Iphone Surgeon Xmas Heart

WEEK nr. Week number 23 25

Attenzione! Subibo un appunto importante. Tra qualche ora mi metto all'opera per creare il numero TRE del report COMPASS , la prima Newsletter di questo blog, che racchiude 3 cose in uno:

  1. TRENDS (analisi tecnica intermarket in video)



Besides these three elements, I decided to enter every week of insights very specific, such as: 1-

model portfolios

2-screening of securities (a list of titles with certain qualitative features, in any market)

3-correlation analysis

4-specific trading situation

5-most everything that I pass through my mind ... :-)

As mentioned in previous posts, COMPASS will be a "plus" for those who endure in a concrete way the blog with donations . This number is then distributed to those who support and those who will support him in practice and regularly from now on.

A preview on what will be the little surprise of the week? The name is enough "sexy" and draws attention: This week we introduce AMF, the American Dream Fund.

I will stop here, let us instead analyze the most important post of the week.

Good Bulls & Bears to all !

Here is the list of post highlight of the week:

inoltre vi chiedo di partecipare a questo mio piccolo sondaggio sul blog....... SI PUO' DARE DI PIU?

  • > ...più molti altri post! Visionateli nella homepage!

Friday, June 5, 2009

John Deere Trailfire Snowmobile Feul Pumps

Here is the list of post highlight of the week:

Bene, l'elenco include i post che ritengo più importanti (cliccate sul titolo per visualizzarli!) poi però sta al lettore valutare... Anche perchè ci sarebbero anche tante altre cose da dire e da vedere e vi garantisco che ci sarebbe stato spazio per molti altri argomenti.

Dispassionate advice: go and groom in the last week, and you will see that there's more ...

I look forward to welcoming you (as comments) on my pages of this diary (including the post and then not mentioned for reasons of space ....) ... how could I call myself a ... passionate man of independent funding, with the hope to soon be able to find and more and more.

Also, if you want to access the articles that I consider to be the most "Important" from around the Blog (even if it's a personal question ..) I recommend click here! (VIP)


For those who want

visualizzarei TRENDS old videos of them can be seen or YouTube or Vimeo page.

Click below! Of course there are all but the most recent.

TRENDS on Vimeo by DT

Happy weekend everyone!