There are TV shows that undermine my self-esteem, do not talk about Dancing with the stars, talk about SOS Tata. It 'the only transmission that my children watch in silence, with two smiley surprised that almost falls on the halo-Mom, you saw how the children behave? that tantrums! What a shame - So we put the record straight, I know that you are educated on average, but I ask you both problemi di memoria o di udito ? Oppure siete dei bambini talmente evoluti che vi applicate le regole come volete?
Vedendo 'sti due bambin gesù sul divano con la faccia schifatina, gli ho fatto presente che sono tre anni che sono costretta a guardare l'edizione per non udenti del telegiornale per riuscire a capire cosa sta accadendo nel mondo, I have the "backpacks" full of cartoons and collect gormiti, that eating together is not an option for which they eat and I'll do a circus act with the Chinese I eat their food and leftovers, and maybe buy a bra and pants is not something that I can ask my grandmother.
only for giving me play with his mouth sealed - Shut up that noise -.
confess I have also developed a personal technique to see the reactions of my children to the fact that there was or not. I did like the animals in danger or dead. Like animals who are being attacked and digested I lay on the floor in the kitchen. Well tranquilizzo the people of nannies and child psychologists say that is not done and is dannoso; i miei figli mi hanno scavalcato, il più piccolo ha preso un succo e un pacco di biscotti ed e fuggito in camera sua , mentre il più grande gli ha strizzato l'occhio dicendo: "vedrai che adesso si alza perchè le si attacca il risotto ".
Ora, dopo questo esempio di amore filiale, ho capito che avrei bisogno di una tata al quale affidare 3 ore di stiro settimanale da suddividere in times of day when not at work, there are more than two appliances in operation, another two hours devoted to the accompaniment of the largest ex-husband to various toll stations with the risk that someone asks me what I take, to devote precious time to spot-stripes underpants braking because they have had time to run the bathroom because the cartoon was the most beautiful, a few hours of research on molecules on the cells nay, I was wrong about dinosaurs. So finally I could make chocolate chip cookies as Rania of Jordan, antifiammatrio not put the bag in place of sugar in coffee as well as why I also have sciatica gastritis , shave your eyebrows, you know what's happening with the elections, and ask my sister about what a deduction of employees.
I also think that instead of attacking the rules around the house basterbbe a banner saying "Mom's"
This is not to say that we do not try to involve my children in household activities, in fact sometimes more than are amused to see me recover a tank top that had thrown on the chandelier, that as soon as I cleared the table with them in their pajamas, and I'm going to sit on the couch that I answer the call of children I ask the little darlings while rendedomi just realized that I lay my eyes close as the dolls and that I have to bring me into the world of the living eat two orosaiwa with mortadella.
short, I realized that the cry for help of a mother is more likely that bypasses, rather than one you will help you, despite everything I know also that every fruit has his season, and in this case we speak of apples, all year round as the mother and this cake without copyright that always succeeds, and that you find her in all seasons just like mom!
Ingredients 250 gr of flour with baking powder 1 teaspoon baking
150 g sugar 130 g butter 4 large eggs separated
apples "caramel"
diced apples 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons sugar
lemon juice
P reparation
Cut the apples into chunks and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and juice lemon lasciare riposare per almeno mezzora. Raccogliere i sughi e metterli in una pentolina a fuoco basso e far restringere per cira 5 minuti non mescolando ma girando il pentolino. Riversare a caldo sulle mele e mescolare bene.
Sbattere per i tuorli c on lo zucchero finchè non diventano gialli molto pallido, setacciarvi dentro la farina con il bicarbonato e infine incorporare le chiare montate a neve senza mescolare troppo e le mele a tocchetti. Infornare in una tortiera imburrata da 24 cm a 175C° per 45 minuti.
I also think that instead of attacking the rules around the house basterbbe a banner saying "Mom's"
This is not to say that we do not try to involve my children in household activities, in fact sometimes more than are amused to see me recover a tank top that had thrown on the chandelier, that as soon as I cleared the table with them in their pajamas, and I'm going to sit on the couch that I answer the call of children I ask the little darlings while rendedomi just realized that I lay my eyes close as the dolls and that I have to bring me into the world of the living eat two orosaiwa with mortadella.
short, I realized that the cry for help of a mother is more likely that bypasses, rather than one you will help you, despite everything I know also that every fruit has his season, and in this case we speak of apples, all year round as the mother and this cake without copyright that always succeeds, and that you find her in all seasons just like mom!
Ingredients 250 gr of flour with baking powder 1 teaspoon baking
150 g sugar 130 g butter 4 large eggs separated
apples "caramel"
diced apples 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons sugar
lemon juice
P reparation
Cut the apples into chunks and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and juice lemon lasciare riposare per almeno mezzora. Raccogliere i sughi e metterli in una pentolina a fuoco basso e far restringere per cira 5 minuti non mescolando ma girando il pentolino. Riversare a caldo sulle mele e mescolare bene.
Sbattere per i tuorli c on lo zucchero finchè non diventano gialli molto pallido, setacciarvi dentro la farina con il bicarbonato e infine incorporare le chiare montate a neve senza mescolare troppo e le mele a tocchetti. Infornare in una tortiera imburrata da 24 cm a 175C° per 45 minuti.