This summer we came back like the swallows to the Lido. Of course there was the first , "duegiorni" to talk with my childhood friends stuff Lasonil cheeks, and fortunately that was from last week so why not are in full swing.
Technically I do not know how to define the operation, practically it is a bone filings to discover the roots of the teeth, the result I talk with his mouth twisted like a fish hooked and I take painkillers like Dr. House.
So yesterday while the prescriptions the doctor had to stay at rest with ice and the antibiotic to do ohioioi on the couch and eat ice cream, I found myself at nine in the morning to bring Yups the "sage of the boat." For one thing, and rightly so, the creature was injured because of the definition of "wise" as most relevant to dance to sail, then as it is understood has demonstrated the His enthusiasm and appreciation for the fact that her mother, stuffed full of pain medication that made her seem more or less a Picasso had fallen to accompany him, took a slightly unfavorable expression.
Skipper of Mascalzone Indian fleet of Punjab
Now I'm not saying that I expected so much enthusiasm on his part to throw in water, but a smile Yes I expected given that the other night he even unbuttoned more than usual to say that he would like to continue.
However in the end it was a thrill to see my baby ; to sea with his boat, also realize that my dad was doing the photos to another and I was getting my feet wet and Jack had drinking water from the pump to wash the boats. At the time of award, I realized that I can still picture my son for one simple reason, because I realize when they are going to call it, squinting all the moving ; sheet and say: "I hope I pronounce correttammente Giouussa .." then I say aloud by the audience, "says iussaf iussaf", then log out in the Veneto Most of the time iùsaf. At that point my son greets me with his hand and I do not know if you hate me or you just feel embarrassed, the fact is that I just can not help myself.
After a small race, here is the buffet, the smile finally reappeared on the face of my son so much that I wondered if 15 days had not made the course rather than a buffet that sailing. I have been touched by the commitment of istruttori che oltre all'entusiasmo hanno una pazienza infinita. Poi, nonostante avessi un dolorasso alla guancia ho assaggiato anche io qualcosa, tra cui delle buonissime frittelle alle zucchine di cui ho rubato la ricetta e ho apportato alcune modifiche. L'Amato Bene ha infranto il comandamento : Non friggere in vacanza ma ne è andata la pena:
Ingredienti per circa 40 frittelle
2 panini raffermi tagliati
milk diced 8 small zucchini
6 heaping tablespoons of Parmesan gratttuggiato
5 to 6 tablespoons of flour fortified with yeast
salt 3 medium eggs
pepper 2 teaspoons oregano
or sunflower oil ; peanut for frying Method
Ingredienti per circa 40 frittelle
2 panini raffermi tagliati
milk diced 8 small zucchini
6 heaping tablespoons of Parmesan gratttuggiato
5 to 6 tablespoons of flour fortified with yeast
salt 3 medium eggs
pepper 2 teaspoons oregano
or sunflower oil ; peanut for frying Method
Pass the zucchini, cut into pieces the mixer so as to make them into small pieces. Soak the bread with milk until ; a renderlo completamente morbido e bagnato, e unirlo alle zucchine e al grana grattuggiato mescolando bene. Salare e pepare il composto e a parte sbattere leggermente tre uova intere per poi unirle agl ialtri ingredienti. Aggiungere 5 o sei cucchiai di farina addizionata con lievito e mescolare bene. L'impasto deve essere colloso e non troppo denso. Lasciare riposare un paio d'ore in frigo. Friggere in olio ben caldo in piccole porzioni facendo cook on both sides.