Saturday, March 7, 2009

Gateway Gumbo Monster Mudders


Appointment number ten in 2009 with the heading " Bulls & Bears ". A very intense week: bags that collapse, rates climbing, the panic that grows , rumors that follow. The blog has been a real prorpio container of excellent information, thanks to the participation of some elements of great quality. I mention no names, because, reading, you will realize that everyone, some more than others (obviously There are exceptions that prove the rule ...) said sua aggiungendo un mattoncino alle discussioni. Ma passiamo ai post.

Innanzitutto avrete avuto modo di vedere la continuazione del mio esperimento video, ovvero TRENDS, un piccolo tutorial sulla situazione intermarket.

NDR : Se ritenete questo blog interessante e vorreste far qualcosa per la sua sussistenza, vi invito a fare una donazione cliccando sul bottone "Donazione" visibile sia nella pagina "Chi Sono" e sia alla destra di questo articolo.


Buon Bulls & Bears a tutti !

Here's the list of post highlight of the week:

Well, the list includes posts which I consider most important (click on the headline to view!) But then the reader is to assess ... Also because there would be lots of other things to say and see and I guarantee that there would be room for many other topics.

Council dispassionate Go and groom in the last week, and you will see that there's more ...

I look forward to welcoming you (as comments) on my pages of this diary (including the post and then not mentioned for reasons of space ....) ... how could I call myself a ... passionate man of independent finance , hoping to soon be able to find and more and more.

Also, if you want to access the articles that I consider to be the most "Important" from around the Blog (even if it's a personal question ..) I recommend click here! (VIP)

Happy weekend everyone!


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