Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pore Minimizing Foundation

leek tart Greek spinach and feta ... when you were back AllStar?

I thought that being a mother of boys I would have to follow the perservato fashion but I think Yups have pretty clear ideas on the subject. A child must be healthy carriers of All Star Converse canvas.
Now, for people like me in the '80s brought a bunch permanent, batwing-sleeved sweaters and lost the padding from the shoulders down the street running behind the autubus, for girls who were lost behind Nick Kamen was left in his underwear in front of the washing machine ... the ollstar purple (you still wore ties cones) had a dream that could come true even with the promotion and maybe even a subject in September.
In fact, I had a gift at the very top end of the second though I was typing in was postponed because Chucaracha caught playing with the typewriter, shorthand and had subscribed to me because even the teacher who was resaconto shorthand for a left-handed was like asking John MacEnroe to play with the right.
So that year, like all boys of my age, wearing the famous shoes. Only that, living in Venice, there were three things that the fashion did not take account: the heat, the fantsmini were not very common, and the summer is spent in changing for the beach hut.
So that summer we were three cousins \u200b\u200bin the middle of adolescence, you're ollstar equal. Around July they began to fall the first victims. A neighbor called the fire department thinking of the hut there was a gas leak from the neighbor, an aunt risk of being suffocated by the stench exhaled from shoes fail to fit the clothes in apnea, a pair of shoes were washed in a washing machine, pop written but the smell remained intact.
The summer of the year after ollstar were always a classic, but we bought all the shoes .... but it was also the year of my vacation in Greece where cousin took us all of the beautiful leather bags, which smelled of gorgonzola like shoes, but newly tanned skin. So
distance of 25 hearts found myself retrying ollstar, as a surprise to Yups! We have the same number. Thus prevented from mom, having found a 25 euro I had to stop a boy of 12 years with 43 of the foot to ask what they used. I took those blurred, seems to be fine.
Yups! was delighted, I could make him promise to put my socks and he's all happy. When she told my mom what I had given him, she turned her eyes saying màriasantissimanonsarannotornate, but no mother will see it puts Calz stop ..... Yups interruption and scream! ... Mom! Grandma! I just stepped on poop !!!!!..
Nick Kamen, I need you .... your washing machine .... and return the DoctorMartens!
Jumping Stake in fraser .... here is a pie to be done to forget. I like cold, even if it takes to roll out the dough Maciste.
For the neighbors, those shots accompanied by rhythmic groans you heard from the kitchen window were desperate attempts of the Beloved of my good and stretch the dough ... if you have a partner also used the frozen puff pastry ..




flour 30 g butter

60 ml olive oil 125 gr




450 grams of spinach

1 leek sliced \u200b\u200b1 / 4 teaspoon nutmeg

200 grams of feta

2 tablespoons bread crumbs

3 beaten eggs 2 tablespoons olive oil


Mescolare la farina al burro aggiungere il sale e l'olio e poi l'acqua calda. Formare una palla di pasta e farla riposare in frigorifero per una mezzora.

In una casseruola mettere gli spinaci lessati con il porro e fare intenerire il porro salare e aggiungere la noce moscata.

Unire la feta sbriciolata e il pangrattato. Lasciare raffredare e poi aggiungere le uova leggermente sbattute.

Scaldare il forno a 220°C .

Spread 3 / 4 of the dough and line a mold by a top edge 3 cm. Pour the filling and cover with remaining dough.

Bake for 45 minutes on middle shelf of the oven.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pattycake Online Forun

dessert raspberries betrayal

I have been in the pantry six Pavesini two fingers, four biscuits without straw fat without carbohydrates sugar, two windlass somewhat 'elastic, a strawberry yoghurt that was to become the gorgonzola, and frozen raspberries that I had dimenenticata freezer.
Zackkete here's a quick shot and not bad, in fact makes her figure!
creatures if they are eaten and called again.
It seems that they are just as good frozen raspberries still passed to the mixer with the sugar icing! The biscuits are crushed the same with the robot, the first of the raspberries so wash everything at once. .. a shame ...
say that is a dessert for the modern woman, or a worthy dessert after a paste with butter heated in the microwave, the bresaola con contorno di rucola già lavata e pomodorini
cioè, quello che una mia amica definiva il "menù del becco" perchè preparato in un secondo Giuro che torno ai fornelli anche perchè ho comperato un ultimo tafanario che ha fatto trabballare la mia unione: l'azatina di vetro con coperchio dell'Ikea .
Insieme al Babbo Natale tridimensionale comperato a Cortina ad agosto potrebbe essere prova di crudeltà mentale, ma si sa l'Amato Bene è tale per quello, anche se ultimamente sbuffa un pochetto.
Con 16 bullar svedesi piantate nello stomaco, di domenica all'Ikea alle due del pomeriggio, accompagnati da due deliziose creature come our children, I know that I would buy anything. Anyway I got to forgive the evening, I placed my little head up a brand new model and pillow Swedish CullaBulla I snored like a train so he had to sleep in the heat with the door closed in the children's room. Let's say you woke up with a broncetto not just to Brigitte Bardot and a pair of dark panda. But you know love is also made of this, I went back to sleep with my pillow dreaming Cullabulla el'alzatina pizza with Santa Claus ..... snoring a delicious Jingle Bell