Sunday, July 22, 2007

Wakeonlan Wireless Pci

Yen, in search of the Taurus!

" The search for the bull
In the pasture of this world, without respite, I pulled back the tall grass in search of the bull. Following unnamed rivers, lost the plot along the paths of distant mountains
, languishing my strength, which is off my vitality, I can not find the bull. I only hear for the entire forest, the chirping of locusts night. The bull has never been lost. What need is there to search? Only separation from my true nature prevents me from finding it. In the confusion of the senses I lose even my tracks. Far from home, I see many roads cross, but what is the right one do not know. Greed and fear, good and bad, entangle me. "

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Il primo dei 10 tori
sritti da Kakuan ) nel più puro spirito Zen ci fa da apri pista in questa analisi.

Ci eravamo lasciato con queste analisi: una e due!

Avevamo detto 249 come secondo target, e siamo andati ben oltre, il terzo target è" finché sale restiamo dentro", stop loss spostati in guadagno e pace con noi stessi, ora è il momento di cercare il toro dello yen e di non cadere nelle false piste, di non confondere le tracce. Continua Imperterrito il giochino del carry trade, il mondo va bene, l'economia va bene, viaggiamo tutti in macchinoni, tutti on holiday to enjoy the sun and the beach, what a beautiful life, everything will go well. Then one day we'll wake up the poor!

One Yen that more and more removed from reality, leaving behind dead bodies, the bodies of traders who believe too much in need of a healthy economy, a healthy economy, but that will not follow and would not progress, but which employed mainly non permtterebbe enrichment puppeteers, as well as those who run the economy (in the sense that the economy turns to them) they also run the boxes.

So what? And then there is nothing fundamental analysis, as we well know, the whole paper, the fundamental you teach them at university, but then in reality you use them for cartigienica, fundamental ... these strangers. No better use our technical analysis, a pseudo-science that clearly favors the antilog of the financial world. (I understand that many times we turn away from the true fundamental movements, and detecting it by the actual things)

And so on, succession of graphics from our love Pounds Yen , where you grind on top maximum in the absence of gravity.

moving average supports all purple, all right to move for new entries long, always stop loss, because in case of breakage should immediately reverse and make the dynamics underlying target. It 's a precise and reliable media for months that we have the chart for months and that helps us!

Also note the trendline resistance have become dynamic as excellent media to use for other long positions, the previous technique, stop loss and ready to reverse. Remember that any failure on the yen is always violent, so be quick and trailing stop placed so as to follow the trend and avoid falls.

The trend is long, so for now it is best to long positions. It 's true the bull on the yen is much sought after, but patience is the best weapon of a trader (the bull on the yen becomes Bear in the chart above, we do not make confusion I recommend). In the pure spirit of Zen, the yen is moving wave (Hypertrader is called upon to do an analysis elliott), we are still in high tide, so it tends to go up.

The trendline trendline white instead are purely descriptive with projections for the future. Its vision is of a parabolic trend, there is still room to rise, to make new highs, but as we tried to emphasize drawing these lines, is that the trend seems low, in fact our old scenario envisaged months ago about a fix in September / October, is aligning with the scenario parabolic ... so few illusions, but alert, we follow well the cross and the yen, increasing the red zone, and then more and more mandatory stop loss for long positions. As always accompany the trend. The moving average is the most voted red in indicating trends. Below it, then point out the trend as bearish. Now wait for August is expected to have low volumes, so little violent movements, perhaps settling.

overbought oscillators confirm the uptrend. Differences in intraverdersi it Started on CCI and volumes, but must be confirmed graphically.

If we move on a moving average timeframe children are black (300 times) that acts as a support is very important ... under vacuum, then breaking acceleration. But we are more inclined to return the highest.

Here U.S. Dollar / Yen

The cross is visibly diverging from changes in the yen over cousin pounds analyzed. In fact, due to the weakness of the U.S. dollar was not the new high and it has formed a bearish trend that we have tried to sentetizzare through a bearish channel. Too large to be perhaps a flag, volatility is too high to draw a wedge of congestion, so we opted for this bearish channel, immediately caught his eye, and then clearly visible to all.
Of note, seems to form a double minimum, with a return above 121.60 area or so, shows us a retest at the top of the bearish channel path. Sula channel try to play swing, always with stop loss at hand, reminding us that August is always a little 'mischievous and low volumes!

Euro Yen is the cross that shows more strength on the chart, but he lacks respect for his cousin pounds yen a new high, mainly due to the excessive strength of pounds (but not the euro on the other hand jokes, it is very pumped).

Last candle is "eat" the previous sign of weakness, a bearish engulfing. Certainly not cry inversion, but the cross seems inclined to go 166.40 test area and from there maybe start to make new highs. He expects to be confirmed by a break in the moving average gold (SMA 25) to go to 166.40 area. Monday and we expect to lower timeframe to better understand the intention, because for now the cross leaves everything a bit 'outstanding.

The final feeling is that the yen is ending its movement and that the last movements of the yen cross is dictated mostly by movements in the base currency (these are the currencies that are positioned to the left of the bar, then euro / yen, euro is the base currency). We remain faithful to the signals of short bearing in mind the backdrop, we have identified the hot spots, and they are the ones that will give us the signal!

Council of his bloggers to read and more of Intermarket, which by its opininione yen with an excellent and useful analysis:
Carry trade: the Yen moves.

finally remembering to put the stop loss, I leave you with the second Toro:

Discovering the footprints.
Along the riverbank under the trees, I see footprints! Even under the fragrant grass I see in his footsteps. You will find them in the depths of remote mountains. These tracks stand out clearly visible as your nose pointing skywards. I understand the teaching in the footsteps of the bull. Then I learn that as many utensils are made of one metal, so many are myriad entities made of the fabric of the ego. If I do not discriminate, how can I distinguish the true from the false? Even before he crossed the threshold, I saw the path. "


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