Saturday, April 25, 2009

Can Leviquin And Biaxin Be Taken Together

Affect side of the double chocolate tart

My dietician does not know this cake for my birthday but I wanted something special and some chocolate upside down. It was a bit 'I turned it in mind, a nice tart filled with a soft cream.
I have no alibi, do not do any exercise if you do not move on the tips feet with ergonomic chair office by fax to the phone, I have recently learned to make the tulip and the ride back with the chair as the only skater ghiaccioe I expect that my colleagues rise up and vote with the paddle there is a carcass as the Russian judge at the Olympics. Basically I sit down I get up in the morning and evening. I also tried a pilates a sort of desperate housewife trying to do weights with soflan in one hand and the softening in the other. I also tried to empty the dishwasher with the leg straight and the buttock chopped, to stretch his legs apart and spread away from the railing to try to firm up the irrassodabile. I got the wrap on his thighs with a product of Camaldolensian without asking As far as I know the brothers poterssero of cellulite, except after reading small print near the cap that it was a bubble bath and a pack and not just because I scraped three gorni and I ruined a pair of new pants.
I searched on the internet if you burn one calorie each Gormita collected from the ground, but he said only one who asked me if I could show him how I did it with the web cam. Then there is the advice of a friend of mine on the various diets, the pepper, the banana with mortadella, the baobab tree sap, charcoal, skewers peas .... but she is not convinced because the text to quit two years with one coming out with another five permanent Gorge and soy ice cream perchè è intollerante più agli uomini liberi che al latte.
Non c'è tanto da fare più che il volersi bene, mentre qualche volta è anche difficile anche essere solo simpatici a sè stessi. Così condivido così questa caloricissimma torta che non ha controindicazioni ma solo AFFETTI COLLATERALI, cioè di provocare mugolii di piacere al cioccolato, di indulgerere con la panna montanta e di farvi sorridere.
Avvertenze: il preparato per la crema pasticcera al cioccolato va nella frolla. Le dosi indicater sono doppie perchè la frolla la faccio sempre doppia così ne tengo in freezer visto che è un lavoro farla. Le conversioni sono col widget qui a lato. Il cacao è più leggero della flour so if you do not use the cup are not like 250 gr flour, then taste taste until you are satisfied.

Ingredients for double dose of chocolate shortbread

370 grams of butter

2 / 3 cup sugar

2 1 / 2 cups flour with baking powder added

1 cup unsweetened cocoa

80 grams of prepared chocolate cream paneangeli

1 cup of white flour for the pastry more

4 small eggs

Ingredienti per una dose di crema al cioccolato

150 gr di cioccolato fondente

1 bustina di vanillina

120 gr di di zucchero

1 uovo

3 cucchiai di panna (anche da cucina)


Unire gli ingredienti secchi della frolla, poi aggiungere le uova e incorpolarle il più possibile. Portare il burro a temperatura ambiente tagliato a tocchetti e incorporarlo agli altri ingredienti.

Impastare con le mani quanto serve per renderlo omogeneo, If the dough becomes too sticky dust abbondantetemente farinala of pastry.

Making a loaf of pastry and place in refrigerator or freezer for the time required for it to cool well.

Roll out the pastry to about 5mm and cut a circle 30 cm in diameter, oder die with a removable bottom for pies 24 cm with about 2 cmm board and place in refrigerator.

With the remaining dough strips or obtain and crossed to seal the tart on a sheet of paper and place in oven to harden so that frezeer or use the grid as tarts http://mangiocongliocchi.blogspot here. com/2009/03/mi-sento-come-jackie-o-quando-faceva-la.html .

Prepare the chocolate cream.

Melt in a double boiler over a pan of chocolate, note that the accqua must not touch the chocolate nor the bottom of the pan.

In a separate bowl, meanwhile, fit with the whisk sugar and egg until it becomes light and frothy, add cream and continue to beat and then the warm melted chocolate, mixed it until it becomes homogenous.

Preheat oven to 170 ° C.

Pour the cream into the crust and continue with the decoration of pastry with the grid.

Bake for 45 minutes


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