Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kates Playground Free Full Sets

Strudel, strudel on the wall .....

time goes by Oh yes, it happened that I felt a bit '"Fiapa", thinking it was the diet I ate a bit' more and the only thing that I've gained three pounds and have been an increase in the giroculo me from williams pear shape that men tell you to worship Naomi Campbell abducted while they look in a bathing suit. So

I went to my doctor, who reproaches me for having bitten and digested in two seconds a kinder chocolates to the children escape, which does not laugh when I see the faded pink panties HelloKitty, I was confused because I was between a Thursday and a Wednesday and hardly dares to mention the fact to change my lifestyle. In fact I think that by now have realized that, more that my lifestyle is that of those around me to influence my metabolism.
I found out I had the pressure of an ant, 'I'm feeling fatigue was therefore not attributable only to the existence of a pain in the ass ex-husband, two children, one of which is owned by Vegeta and the other crossed with a Pokemon in transformation , a job toilet paper from managers, stress from nomination to enter the Pokemon kindergarten so I was considering to participate rather than all four of the Big Brother casting Japanese because it seems easier to be admitted. But no! the fact that I confuse the Bonus Families with Pope's Angelus us just because they end, I turn your head when you zigzag between the buses to avoid being crushed between a windshield and a bumper that uses the stroller as a senior Jack use the walker, a physical reason, the low pressure blessed. So with the pastiglietta I pulled up, now I smile like such as Barbie, I went sour, things are back to slide him, in short, the world smiles at me especially because I feel part of it.
As for seating, that is wrung out there in jeans, like Naomi is marble on the catwalks of Paris. Now twittering between buses, graceful leaping through clouds of exhaust fumes while my heart beats and the only circle that I head is the halo.
then fell back to earth reminding me that yesterday I made 39 years and I like yogurt: best before and not after .... and I also celebrated with cakes and cake, and now the doctor who tells him ..... Oh well I do because even courage, life is a bad passage ... Views
rainy days, the withered apples, raisins and all that at home there I put the recipe for strudel dough strudel made with a lot of that is just what you need to relax some u 'in the kitchen!
Ingredients for the dough strudel
200 grams of flour 00
1 egg 2 tablespoons melted butter
1 tablespoon white vinegar
a pinch of salt
50g of warm water 1 tablespoon sugar 1 egg
butter for the filling
4 apples, peeled, diced
lemon juice 5 tablespoons sugar
a handful of toasted pine nuts
a handful of raisins Amollo
1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon
Mix the ingredients for the pasta except water, mix by adding water a bit 'at a time. Knead the dough for at least ten minutes until it becomes shiny, spenellarla with butter or oil and set it for 30 minutes in a pan heated above.
Heat oven to 180 degrees and line a baking tray with baking paper.
prepro the stuffing with apples sprinkled with lemon juice, sugar, cinnamon, pinoli e l uvette ammollate.
Stendere un canovaccio pulito e infarinarlo abbondantemente, cominciare a stendere la pasta col mattarello, non si attacherà al canovaccio. La pasta deve essere quasi trasparente molto elastica. Pe tirarla il più finemente possibile passare il dorso della mano sotto la pasta fino a quando raggiungerà le dimesioni del canovaccio sul quale dovrà rimanere stesa. Tagliare i bordi con la punta di un coltello affilato dando la forma di un rettangolo, cospargere di ripieno lasciando due centimetri di bordo. Sollevando gli angoli del lato lungo del canovaccio arrotolare su sè stesso lo strudel . Il peso del ripieno e la consistenza della pasta faranno sì che lo strudel si arrotoli nella maniera corretta.
Always conl'aiuto the cloth slide the cake on baking sheet. Spenellare put the yolk in a hot oven, brush twice during baking with melted butter.
Bake for about 35 minutes.
If possible prepare in advance for a day or half day.


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