Friday, January 21, 2011

Pokemon Shiny Gold Umbreon

Vichyssoise el 'The Pied-

It 's been definitely a bit' of time, every time I thought I write something now postponed .... and sent ....
So something has happened, I'm home with my bottom square by dint of sitting or lying with right leg raised and stove to move with crutches.
I was the victim of an investment, not to speak of Argentine bonds, but I was stretched on the pedestrian crossing. So, are you a good time that day and decide you do the pasta and beans and after an hour you are aumbulanza stretcher with a pair of socks in pink and stamps his foot with the bones crushed potato chips as a closed bag.
Apart from the fear of my and everyone else to foot the pancake and a series of blows from all sides, I'm alive and kicking, by all accounts, a big pain in the ass ..
After only three months of marriage, the Beloved could be there to scrape the asphalt, but arrived at the hospital out of breath with a face "miamogliehaavutounincidenteditemila truth, the truth is that I felt all right, if the Hello Kitty of my clothes did not rise to the hilarity of the doctors has at least raise his morale. I know, how do you cry on the shoulder of your husband and let him see his feet when it looks like you dressed in linen with a circus acrobat, a color-blind.
short, after six hours of stretcher with a lady at the side of one hundred years and after having asked a fellow-sufferer the phone, he could not do the numbers because of the broken hand, so to speak, we organized ABA and asked to bring something to eat. I think it was the most delicious bag of chips I've ever eaten in the emergency room. And while my fellow-sufferer tried to dial the nose Iphone, I I was taken to the plaster room lady greeted me by asking what time I would be back at the hotel.

- plaster bandage or functional? -
- I have two children and works in Venice
- Lady with functional bandages can go the bathroom on crutches with a pencil must move with the wheelchair -
- ; And how do I?
- Do you understand or not stop for a month -
Oh Mon Dieu! Hence the bargain and serious ... ok go to the dressing functional ... I can also give me the pee pan without wow! Some things you pull up the morale.
So are discharged with a kind of circus scene with l'AB che mi porta  fuori dall'ospedale spingendomi su una sedia rotelle  come il  capo di Alan Ford, poi mi scarrozza fino a una sanitaria e come Cenerentola mi prova in macchina una scarpona da zoppa e mi compera  le stampelle. Poi con il sorriso più disarmante della terra mi fa - Ti ho preso quelle per chi è sovrappeso e ammmortizzate, sei contenta?-
Altrochè se sono contenta, Cenerentola reclusa diversamente abile con le stampelle ammortizzate, come no !
Ma come  nelle più belle fiabe questa principessa dovrà pure dormire e via  un bel "bal(d)racchino" da gamba che tiene le coperte sollevate sull'arto leso. 
E  da qui comincia il mio periodo  dispotico, mettete in ordine,  spegnete le luci, chiudete le porte, attenti al piede,  telecomando,  giornali,  sto scomoda,  cuscini, cosa si mangia, lavatrice asciugatrice, stirate,  fare da mangiare.
Diciamo che le prime due settimane sono state le più dure per gli altri, io  con gli anti dolorifici insomma,  seduta sul mio trono cuscinato, ho preso quella di dare ordine  con le stampelle.
Temo che mi vogliano mollare in ospedale, o farmi ingessare la bocca o come at least someone breaks my crutches. In the setbacks, one of the things I can do is read so I found this soup that is really liked mine, good and simple like me ...... but it should be!

Serves 4

4 leeks into rings (white part only)
500 g of potatoes into rounds 1 liter of
chicken or vegetable oil 125 grams of cream
salt pepper
a bay leaf

procedure time 30 minutes

Soften the leeks for 5 minutes with oil, add the broth and potatoes and bay leaf, bring to a boil, then lower and Simmer for about 25 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, remove bay leaf and blend with immersion blender. Add the cream and stir to thicken on the fire if necessary. Serve hot or warm with butter croutons in the past.


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