Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Elliptical Machine Causes Foot Pain

Euro Swiss Franc.

Since the blogger friends pass me the ball, and the topic is certainly of interest to me propose a cross analysis of the euro / Swiss franc.

premise that I've never worked on this cross and is the second time I see his chart, the first ever for an analysis of readers for friends, then call for caution twice.

first we make a quick basic idea.
Surely we shall have the Swiss currency devaluation (of course, always to a certain point), it helps in considerable input of foreign capital.

Secondly, recently the President of the Swiss central bank Roth has spoken in reference to the relationship euro Swiss franc, and claimed to be very careful in this report, for concern about inflation caused by currency weakness.
For now Roth will not intervene in support, but made it clear that in the absence of Alternat the SNB will take steps to slow the descent.

said that we can say that the euro is retracing and is mildly weakening ... but we talk about a weakening of its physiologic market, in fact, European data continue to be positive and encourage the long-term trend of strengthening of the currency.

say then it seems that the cross should be (as it is doing) a physiological transfer, but for the long term we still see signs of good bull.

for warriors comes to us:
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WARSAW, May 30 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Romano Prodi did not rule out that at the next G8 summit to be held shortly in Germany to address the problem of overvaluation of the euro.

"I do not exclude that it also speaks of this topic. There is a concern shared by many countries on the revaluation of the euro against other moente," Prodi said in Warsaw during a press conference.

"The agenda of the G8 is usually free, the benefit of the G8 is to have cards and a predetermined number of topics that could be deployed," he added.

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In the graph we can see how it was broken the support of the short term, this leads us to think of a test of the moving average in red. In all other devices. Important area 1.63xx!

Good trading and stop loss at hand.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hat Party Invitation Rhyme

Euro Yen analysis at night.

Logbook 23.30.

excellent day today, the markets yesterday after the calm began to awaken. We had predicted it would be a hot week for the markets, but is still cool climate.

There were beautiful movements, some unexpected, in many crosses, and frankly it looks more.

Maybe I'm a bit 'but pedantic about € yen non riesco a dormire, questo laterale, come tutti i laterali, mi strugge, è come la quiete prima di un fortunale. A noi Marinai di fortuna piace cavalcare i cavalloni, quelli grossi che fanno ribollire il sangue...quelli che infrangono le galere sugli scogli.

E mi sento un po' come un surfista che aspetta l'onda giusta per la gran parte del tempo.

Quasi ci stavo per cadere oggi, mi sono detto, guarda che questo cross mi ha fregato, altro che short, qua un altra grande onda toro da non ci sono riuscito ho deciso di aspettare la chiusura della giornata, e alla fine non mi è andata tanto male. Ci troviamo con una bella Doji, una di quelle a forme di croce del laterale che tormenta noi Trend Boy. E side because they rend my mind with stupid thoughts I prefer to add some indicator, so just to see what comes out.

Then add a CCI (one of many oscillators ... I think one or the other) and a bit 'of moving averages.

The ICC indicates to us a clear bearish divergence, then add a point in favor of my idea of \u200b\u200bthe dispersed phase of the market (bear phase before then).

Moving averages still mark a long trend, and here no one says the opposite, however, to note how they are tightening, and rightly so of course, we are side by force of circumstances the moving average approach ... we can not extrapolate an intersection, and then, by this point of view the moving averages do not give us a hand. However, we can use them to further watershed in nsotra operation. The best support in my view, however, remains that of the bullish channel, and the dynamic red.

pulling two sums, after all this talk we say that technical analysis is a second elemnto more we talk about a possible transfer (from which I would also be inclined to return to long), but the confirmation would come only from the break of support which could be very violent (typical of the yen).

For now my advice is to monitor the cross and play scalping, thus deceiving the wait to ride the big wave. Scalping, and operations Fast also against the trend, take and take home.

in the image below for a possible count elliot HyperTrader (thanks) is being signaled a possible five wave that would reach a new increase. Just to provide different views (even though mine is more than that of short-and medium-term hyper).

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Cooler Weather Cancun

Euro Yen undecided.

eventful week in view. Fasten your seatbelts.
Week starts, mostly to Japan, mainland Europe in midweek and weekend United states. We expect about 80
data this week and then we will see some good. The majority of cross
Last week it was congested, and are therefore likely development of interesting trends.

Last week we talked about Euro and Yen have shown how weak it seemed uphill. We see here as there have been no new highs, but we can also see how the bounces on the media have been important. At this point the best thing is to play the breakout shown on the trendline.

My thought is always to bear this cross (but psarticolare bullish for the yen), just making the points made in previous post.

did attempt to follow the signals and trends without being too influenced by our thought / desire.

Movements are very technical and the cross is enclosed in a well-defined range, then we hope that the old story does not change, in fact we are aided by these movements clean. Resistance and support than almost to the millimeter.

In the case of descent, then after the completion of the support dynamic rupture, we laid out some targets, but that its longitudinal axis should be the blue, better still take home the tred slowly develops and maybe make up for revenue short rebounds , helping with some moving average trend during the very helpful in understanding the pullback!

stop loss in hand as always.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Lymes Disease Bruise Easily

Euro dollar, the base of the bearish channel

Euro dollar has led finally to the base of channel, where he bounced a millimeter, it shows the goodness of the trendline, and therefore the account by the market and its sensitivity.
I floated the idea of \u200b\u200ba flase rupture that leads us to test 1.3400, since we are very close and we were first reported as a papal candidate target.
The movements are very low, we perciorredno a period of low volatility, then we can be calm and wait for events. Now a small settlement, after which we will decide whether to go long at this level to be lower. Always stop
Loss in hand!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Is It Bad To Cough With Laryngitis

Euro Yen Yen

Cross back on top.

On Friday, the usual tricks of the yen to stop the hunting of us poor trader. A spike of monstrous proportions, I believe that many have been fooled by these movements against. But this is the market.

The underlying trend (bullish) is showing weakness, and the trend seems increasingly that of a parabolic trend. The momentum is falling, and sincerely believe that the greatest are not far away. In previous posts I pointed out to target 164.60, and the idea that I had done is slowly confirming.

understand properly the meaning of my words, the situation is more or less of the euro dollar in recent weeks, we are beginning to perceive signs of weakness del trend, ritracciamenti più frequenti, trend meno marcato, nonostante ciò il trend rimane al rialzo, ma intanto noi tiriamo su le antenne per non essere colti di sorpresa.

Seguiamo attentamente il cross e appuntiamo sia i segnali di forza che di debolezza.

Stop loss alla mano.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

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Aggiornamento anche sulla situazione Euro Yen, avevamo previsto nuovi massimi nel caso in cui i supporti individuati nei timeframe minori avessero retto. Abbiamo avuto, quindi, due rotture al ribasso dei supporti dinamici individuati, sia nel timeframe orario, sia nel timeframe daily. Tutto accompagnato da ampi movimenti.
Come il cugino Pounds Yen, anche Euro Yen si è portato sopra un livello di sicurezza, effettuando pullback dopo la discesa.
Siamo arrivati a toccare il 61,8% ritracciamento fibonacci, che è un livello molto osservato dai trader, lo si può notare anche dal rimbalzo a cui abbiamo assistito.

La statica rossa tratteggiata fa da sparti acque, e a seconda dei comportamenti che avremo in settimana decideremo se entrare short o long.
Un ritorno con decisione al di sotto della suddetta statica (e con conferma rottura del minimo recente) ci porta a pensare ad un primo obiettivo intorno ad area 159.70 circa, un supporto molto importante.

Mentre un movimento deciso verso l'alto ci porterebbe ai test dai massimi, al di sopra dei quali ci sarebbe strada aperta per il continuamento the climb.

Other important support and resistance areas around 162.00 and 163.00.

The underlying trend remains long, so you must act with extreme caution during this retrace, not to get stuck with hasty decisions. Look carefully at the evolution of the situation.

Always stop loss in hand, and the large eye movements.

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Euro Pounds Yen pullback?

We had indicated the dynamic blue as the goal of breaking down congestion.
The goal has been reached and even surpassed, perhaps a nice stop hunting of bulls.
Now, however, was not made to wait for the blue recover on the dynamics, where currently stationed on a cross. The volatility is rising and we expect other good movements, monitor the dynamics of blue that is a watershed, from which it is possbile to draw ideas operational.

In the short term seems to cross the marked downward, but we do not fool too, is accustomed to large retracements of the yen. Consider then the descent (and a possible continuation) in the norm. A return of the blue cross under the dynamic (confirming the recent breakout of the low) leads us to think about the first goal in the area around 235.00/50. While a return

area above 239.00 would bring us back to a test of superior strength, inotrno to 240.00 area above this level to open fields the maximum.

High volatility coming, then great care to place the stop loss, but let's not forget and move to implement a trailing stop to follow the best trends that emerge in the coming days.

hot days Wednesday and Thursday.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Pokemon Soul Silver English Roms

€ Dollar, Euro Dollar

You read a lot of considerations with respect to its performance on forums and magazines, but all seem to confuse the various influences of data and changes compared to the time factor, it's just not confuse
the influence of data for the long and short term.

Yesterday the U.S. trade balance has confirmed the steady increase of the debt.
In the case of a trade balance that continues to strengthen its debt for years and years is all already discounted by the market ... everyone is convinced that it will continue to fall, and this will therefore have more influence in the long run and a few quick reactions.

The reaction in the near future there would be if the trade balance had recovered a few billion in debt .. then we ensure that it was unexpected. Now it falls schematic

1 billion or 10 are not surprised anyone, then we will have little influence in the short term, but a confirmation of long-Circulation.

To see a reversal of long to go much, much more below the channel can be traced for long-term very large (see old post), and until this is breached, the situation certainly not downward changes. Also with an eye to economy, geopolitics, etc. ... the situation of the dollar does not seem the most prosperous, as we have said several times.

Reached static area as an area of \u200b\u200b1.3700 previous highs it was natural to expect a reversal of the short, medium ... that was not only logical to expect but Reano confirmed by the side of dispersive order, as we described at the time.

is also characteristic of this cross (at least in the last two attaches, but also in the coming years will be, thanks to the economic and political situation) does not get marked trend (as potrbbe essere per i cross con lo yen o cmq con influenze dei carry trader), ma piuttosto oscillanti.

Dollaro troppo debole non fa piacere a nessuno...o cmq un dollaro debole in breve tempo...non fa piacere alla cina, non fa piacere al giappone ed a parecchi altri stati...vedere le proprie riserve monetarie (anche se stanno diversificando la maggioranza delle riserve monetarie mondiali è in dollari) svanire non è il massimo.
L'eruo è troppo forte, notare come il nuovo presidente francese, Sarkozy, abbia subito espresso la sua opinione a riguardo...c'é quindi da aspettarsi che combatterà strenuamente per un euro più no a chi esportiamo?

Inoltre se pensiamo che il petrolio (Except for wars etc. ..) seems destined to oscillate between a band of $ 70 and 50/45 dollars, and having touched his recentemte the top, we see that all urged a strengthening of the dollar.

Euro U.S. dollar falls within a well defined channel bearish short, we are now in the vicinity of the base support. If we want to keep an eye on an important relationship we move on gold. The gold in the long term (just like the euro dollar) is set to rise is now based on the channel. Any failure could affect a lot of dollar and euro on cross carry it to new lows, while observing that the bearish scenario for several days, is profiled.

In final point of the current euro dollar seems like a good cross
support for a bounce or a restart. Then wait until it is convenient to observe the behavior of the cross during the U.S. data.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Breastfeeding Husband

new lows, still down.

E 'exact result the bearish channel shown in the last post.
Today is the breakage of the support dynamic format from the bullish channel that has accompanied us throughout this climb (at least 1,300).
rupture is very important if it is further confirmed by a recent breakout of the low around 1.3540 area, we expect a pullback, however, an attempt to get back in the bullish channel.
The ultimate goal of the descent in that case, as already announced, would be around for hours at 1.3400. For more scenarios expect the next sitting movements, always ready to change your mind aea stop positions.

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Pounds Yen, breaking congestion

The triangle shown in the last post has paid off, just the idea of \u200b\u200bhunting for stops, thus confirming the idea to monitor the dynamics of blue in the middle graph, which could provide suitable support for a resumption of the uptrend. Of course, other scenarios will try to break her. Attention to

on Thursday, important data for the old England.