Sunday, May 20, 2007

Is It Bad To Cough With Laryngitis

Euro Yen Yen

Cross back on top.

On Friday, the usual tricks of the yen to stop the hunting of us poor trader. A spike of monstrous proportions, I believe that many have been fooled by these movements against. But this is the market.

The underlying trend (bullish) is showing weakness, and the trend seems increasingly that of a parabolic trend. The momentum is falling, and sincerely believe that the greatest are not far away. In previous posts I pointed out to target 164.60, and the idea that I had done is slowly confirming.

understand properly the meaning of my words, the situation is more or less of the euro dollar in recent weeks, we are beginning to perceive signs of weakness del trend, ritracciamenti più frequenti, trend meno marcato, nonostante ciò il trend rimane al rialzo, ma intanto noi tiriamo su le antenne per non essere colti di sorpresa.

Seguiamo attentamente il cross e appuntiamo sia i segnali di forza che di debolezza.

Stop loss alla mano.


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