Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hat Party Invitation Rhyme

Euro Yen analysis at night.

Logbook 23.30.

excellent day today, the markets yesterday after the calm began to awaken. We had predicted it would be a hot week for the markets, but is still cool climate.

There were beautiful movements, some unexpected, in many crosses, and frankly it looks more.

Maybe I'm a bit 'but pedantic about € yen non riesco a dormire, questo laterale, come tutti i laterali, mi strugge, è come la quiete prima di un fortunale. A noi Marinai di fortuna piace cavalcare i cavalloni, quelli grossi che fanno ribollire il sangue...quelli che infrangono le galere sugli scogli.

E mi sento un po' come un surfista che aspetta l'onda giusta per la gran parte del tempo.

Quasi ci stavo per cadere oggi, mi sono detto, guarda che questo cross mi ha fregato, altro che short, qua un altra grande onda toro da prendere...ma non ci sono riuscito ho deciso di aspettare la chiusura della giornata, e alla fine non mi è andata tanto male. Ci troviamo con una bella Doji, una di quelle a forme di croce...la croce del laterale che tormenta noi Trend Boy. E side because they rend my mind with stupid thoughts I prefer to add some indicator, so just to see what comes out.

Then add a CCI (one of many oscillators ... I think one or the other) and a bit 'of moving averages.

The ICC indicates to us a clear bearish divergence, then add a point in favor of my idea of \u200b\u200bthe dispersed phase of the market (bear phase before then).

Moving averages still mark a long trend, and here no one says the opposite, however, to note how they are tightening, and rightly so of course, we are side by force of circumstances the moving average approach ... we can not extrapolate an intersection, and then, by this point of view the moving averages do not give us a hand. However, we can use them to further watershed in nsotra operation. The best support in my view, however, remains that of the bullish channel, and the dynamic red.

pulling two sums, after all this talk we say that technical analysis is a second elemnto more we talk about a possible transfer (from which I would also be inclined to return to long), but the confirmation would come only from the break of support which could be very violent (typical of the yen).

For now my advice is to monitor the cross and play scalping, thus deceiving the wait to ride the big wave. Scalping, and operations Fast also against the trend, take and take home.

in the image below for a possible count elliot HyperTrader (thanks) is being signaled a possible five wave that would reach a new increase. Just to provide different views (even though mine is more than that of short-and medium-term hyper).


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