Monday, November 23, 2009

Stevia Japan What Is The Harm Of Stevia Herb?

cake with blueberries in syrup

Maybe it's because I live in a condominium in town that the obsessions take me from "life as an English cottage." It 'a kind of frenzy that worsens with the change of season. Practically, I feel like candy, candy frost and even relatives. Then all the jars on the bottom end or the fridge or in storage, as the dark and fresh, on a small altar to jam forgotten.
So ends the jam I buy for my use because I do not mind opening the jars. Then this summer, the Beloved and I have collected well in the woods four pounds of blueberries that nobody has been able to eat because I had the itch is worse headphone jam Tyrolean fabric.
will state the status of mountain isolation, but when we were on vacation and we had a couple of hours we went to be alone in the woods .... Now, we alone are almost never there, especially on holiday what is the matter? mirtillomania and while the children were playing with the playstation with his grandmother he and I to see the fruits of the earth. So that if you heard us screaming in the woods: Love look there! vieni qua! Ecco ! Sììì !.. si trattava solo  di mirtilli. 
Visto  che glie li ho  anche  li ho anche sciroppati  'sti benedetti mirtilli ,  adesso c'è l'altarino anche in  frigo.  Poichè  nessuno aveva mangiato uno  in tutta l'estate,  mi sono decisa finalmente ad aprire un vasetto di  quelli  sciroppati  e fare questa tortina  da cottage.
Dopo la stagione del'anguria e del  melone .. lo  Amato know well is the season of brown ...


90 g butter 220 g

flour 1 / 2 tablespoon baking

2 eggs 125 g sugar 1 packet of
2 tablespoons sunflower oil
3 tablespoons cranberry syrup

Blueberries Blueberry syrup

equal amount of sugar

preparation of the syrup of blueberries

Weigh the blueberries and put them in a saucepan with an equal amount of sugar. Stir with a wooden spoon, bring to a boil, lower to the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Put in a clean vase and invert to cool. Keep the refrigerator.

preparation cake

Beat the eggs with sugar until they become clear. Merge apart from the flour with baking powder and vanilina. Melt the butter. Stir the egg mixture with flour and butter.
unostampo from Grease cake and pour the mixture. Make three equally spaced holes in the dough and put the syrup. With a long skewer or a toothpick to draw circles throughout velocementedei lalunghezza mixing syrup all'mpasto forming streaks. Bake at 175C degrees for 35 minutes

Friday, November 13, 2009

Advent 6311 Built In Webcam Not Working

Noblogal .... toilet paper international manager "

As "international toilet paper manager", trai  miei  compiti  c'è  quello  di  fare il  portachiavi umano. La mia utilità  è pressochè  quella del  gancio che si  attacca al passante dei  pantaloni per non perdere le chiavi e forse anche meno in quanto  io  ho una vera e propria idiosincrasia per le chiavi.
Un  giorno, mi  arriva il  notizione che devo  accompagnare una certa persona in un certo posto. Il nome mi è conosciuto, così indago a little bit and find that it is he that .... good things ... the award-winning, the pluriassaggiato, pluridecocarato idol of the kitchen.
I beg to make the key human and are answered. I say nothing, but if you ask me why I know who he is ready to rattle off which gave prizes to its local recipes .. publications.
Then what is the most I'm afraid, "the lady knows that (I) has a cooking blog?" Star reply "Yes, but I am a NOBLOGAL!"
And so I kept quiet, in fact I did not even open his mouth. Frozen in my position as a key ring.
Ok so it went, I splashed the word. I could not and did not want to bother asking for a person of his work and he was also sympathetic. Nothing to say, on the other hand each in his place and his job.
So I think and wonder, but it is so shameful to have a blog? Probably, for the professionals and the blog is not a business professional.
So here is the answer to a question that runs between the blog and highlighted very well in "Ratatouille" (Carton): It is true that anyone can cook, but as in any field professionalism and talent are indispensable, not just the good will or just a passion.
So, what is express my opinion on the issue of so-called authorship of the various recipes and copying.
I find fantastic and half blog extremely democratic dissemination, even if sometimes the dissemination and appreciation of something is not synonymous with a great new feature or something of exceptional quality.
Not being, neither a professional nor a person with a special talent for the kitchen I thought that when I publish a recipe, make available to offer her a slice of torta a degli amici. Il  foodblogger  professionista quindi  mi  sembra un controsenso, ad esclusione di qualche  caso particolare  che si  è affermato  anche per altri motivi e qualità.
I  blog hanno questo  enorme effetto  di  provocare una valanga per cui  da un commento si  scatena un  fenomeno.  Come tutti  i  fenomeni non li  si  si può sempre snobbare e anche i cuochi  che vivono  in reality and the appreciation of others should take a walk every so often to see who have before, especially something like and why.
As for bloggers, but tell us to protect the people? How many of you earn or live there, what you lose if you copy a recipe? As engaging and exciting it is, in most cases, a beautiful, engaging, wonderful hobby!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Kate Playground Vacation

Cheesecake strawberries with lemon sirocco anticontagio

Jack has taken three years. Needless to say we celebrated. Friday with his grandparents in Mestre, on Sunday with his grandparents, uncles and cousins \u200b\u200bin Treviso with a lot of excavator mounted with grumbling Well Beloved who began fiddling with the pedals and the plastic bucket. While the elf dad assembled .... I saw that Jack had cabernet red cheeks and her hands burned. After a quick tour of temperature measurement with all conscious methods, confirmation was 38.5. The birthday party has become so in a rush to celebrate all over the house, while brandishing a supposedly signed screaming - I swear that you do not get hurt -. The chick was grabbed but shook his cheek and not even supposed to snow-white wig was able to reassure him.
Then at the end of a kiss and a reassurance and the passage of the supposed grandmother, finally siluretto has done his duty. The celebrated
forces was able to compile, and use the 'excavator but only in the living room.
the fateful moment of blowing out the candles, we looked at everybody, and we'll be tipped off sick in 14, a first aid stuff from clogging. So, dad had the idea, film anticontagio on the cake and blow away the various. Happy Birthday James!
- the pastry with lemon
250 grams of flour 00
180 grams of butter cut into pieces 2 egg
2 tablespoons lemon juice
4 tablespoons sugar
- ingredients
strawberry syrup
375 g cheese
sugar 2 eggs
60 ml of lemon juice is
1 heaping tablespoon of corn flour
125 ml of cream

put in the blender with the butter sugar and flour and press the button with pulse for 30 seconds until the crumbs, then add the egg yolks and lemon juice to operate for another 10 seconds. Knead briefly by hand to put in the freezer. Roll out between sheets of plastic wrap and line the bottom and sides of a round cake pan with high sides.
in an oven heated to 170 ° C bake the pastry for 10 minutes covered with rice or stones ceramic firing blank. Remove the kernels and cook for 10 minutes.
Spread the cake with strawberries in syrup, made with the recipe for bread machine jam program.
For the filling beat the ingredients in the order above with the electric whisk, stirring well after each addition.
Pour the filling on the pastry and bake for 30 minutes in the oven at 180 ° C