Friday, November 13, 2009

Advent 6311 Built In Webcam Not Working

Noblogal .... toilet paper international manager "

As "international toilet paper manager", trai  miei  compiti  c'è  quello  di  fare il  portachiavi umano. La mia utilità  è pressochè  quella del  gancio che si  attacca al passante dei  pantaloni per non perdere le chiavi e forse anche meno in quanto  io  ho una vera e propria idiosincrasia per le chiavi.
Un  giorno, mi  arriva il  notizione che devo  accompagnare una certa persona in un certo posto. Il nome mi è conosciuto, così indago a little bit and find that it is he that .... good things ... the award-winning, the pluriassaggiato, pluridecocarato idol of the kitchen.
I beg to make the key human and are answered. I say nothing, but if you ask me why I know who he is ready to rattle off which gave prizes to its local recipes .. publications.
Then what is the most I'm afraid, "the lady knows that (I) has a cooking blog?" Star reply "Yes, but I am a NOBLOGAL!"
And so I kept quiet, in fact I did not even open his mouth. Frozen in my position as a key ring.
Ok so it went, I splashed the word. I could not and did not want to bother asking for a person of his work and he was also sympathetic. Nothing to say, on the other hand each in his place and his job.
So I think and wonder, but it is so shameful to have a blog? Probably, for the professionals and the blog is not a business professional.
So here is the answer to a question that runs between the blog and highlighted very well in "Ratatouille" (Carton): It is true that anyone can cook, but as in any field professionalism and talent are indispensable, not just the good will or just a passion.
So, what is express my opinion on the issue of so-called authorship of the various recipes and copying.
I find fantastic and half blog extremely democratic dissemination, even if sometimes the dissemination and appreciation of something is not synonymous with a great new feature or something of exceptional quality.
Not being, neither a professional nor a person with a special talent for the kitchen I thought that when I publish a recipe, make available to offer her a slice of torta a degli amici. Il  foodblogger  professionista quindi  mi  sembra un controsenso, ad esclusione di qualche  caso particolare  che si  è affermato  anche per altri motivi e qualità.
I  blog hanno questo  enorme effetto  di  provocare una valanga per cui  da un commento si  scatena un  fenomeno.  Come tutti  i  fenomeni non li  si  si può sempre snobbare e anche i cuochi  che vivono  in reality and the appreciation of others should take a walk every so often to see who have before, especially something like and why.
As for bloggers, but tell us to protect the people? How many of you earn or live there, what you lose if you copy a recipe? As engaging and exciting it is, in most cases, a beautiful, engaging, wonderful hobby!


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