Maybe it's because I live in a condominium in town that the obsessions take me from "life as an English cottage." It 'a kind of frenzy that worsens with the change of season. Practically, I feel like candy, candy frost and even relatives. Then all the jars on the bottom end or the fridge or in storage, as the dark and fresh, on a small altar to jam forgotten.
So ends the jam I buy for my use because I do not mind opening the jars. Then this summer, the Beloved and I have collected well in the woods four pounds of blueberries that nobody has been able to eat because I had the itch is worse headphone jam Tyrolean fabric. will state the status of mountain isolation, but when we were on vacation and we had a couple of hours we went to be alone in the woods .... Now, we alone are almost never there, especially on holiday what is the matter? mirtillomania and while the children were playing with the playstation with his grandmother he and I to see the fruits of the earth. So that if you heard us screaming in the woods: Love look there! vieni qua! Ecco ! Sììì !.. si trattava solo di mirtilli.
Visto che glie li ho anche li ho anche sciroppati 'sti benedetti mirtilli , adesso c'è l'altarino anche in frigo. Poichè nessuno aveva mangiato uno in tutta l'estate, mi sono decisa finalmente ad aprire un vasetto di quelli sciroppati e fare questa tortina da cottage.
Dopo la stagione del'anguria e del melone .. lo Amato know well is the season of brown ...
90 g butter 220 g
flour 1 / 2 tablespoon baking
2 eggs 125 g sugar 1 packet of
2 tablespoons sunflower oil
3 tablespoons cranberry syrup
Blueberries Blueberry syrup
equal amount of sugar
preparation of the syrup of blueberries
Weigh the blueberries and put them in a saucepan with an equal amount of sugar. Stir with a wooden spoon, bring to a boil, lower to the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Put in a clean vase and invert to cool. Keep the refrigerator.
preparation cake
Beat the eggs with sugar until they become clear. Merge apart from the flour with baking powder and vanilina. Melt the butter. Stir the egg mixture with flour and butter.
unostampo from Grease cake and pour the mixture. Make three equally spaced holes in the dough and put the syrup. With a long skewer or a toothpick to draw circles throughout velocementedei lalunghezza mixing syrup all'mpasto forming streaks. Bake at 175C degrees for 35 minutes
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