Sunday, February 28, 2010

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You do not have it and I do! savory pies with the pie maker pie

Quando  ebay  si  fonde con  un insana passione per i "tafanari", il risultato  può  essere questo.
Dopo  tre caffè  Illy  alla macchinetta dell'ufficio mi sono trovata una sera a cliccare per un  offerta di un  pie maker, my finger clicked Zacchi and I made an offer for some sort of appliance that does the single-portion pies. So do not win-and I thought instead I have also sent for three euro.

Luckily for me is the size of a clutch, it is warmed, and with two coppapasta data is supplied are two circles, uno  per il fondo  e uno per il  coperchio. Si mette il più grande  nella piastra già scaldata,  due cucchiaioni  di  un ripieno qualsiasi, il  coperchio  di sfoglia,  si  chiude 10 minuti  e ecco qui

Perfino l'Amato  Bene ha detto  che è bello,  e si è mangiato la tortina in  questione. Adesso proverò ol  dolce e la pasta brisèè.
Naturalmente il presente tafanario  va ad aggiungersi  al  set da pic nic all'inglese che non  uso,  ma sta lì pronto per essere adoperato  nel  caso sia invitata alla regata di  Henley on Thames,  oppure decida di fare un  delizioso  pic nic nel parcheggio  di  Auchan, oppure evacuata in  caso  di acqua alta  a Mestre.
La scusa officiale è che non so  decidere  il menù da pranzo all'aperto, la verità  è che ormai  la valigia  di  vimini è  diventata  so heavy that it takes to bring a tow and is uncomfortable to sit on the grass.
So every time I buy something that has to do with cakes and sandwiches makes me the Beloved "is for the picnic ....." and every time I run or in the warehouse to check if I did not have thrown away. All right, my love ... I put an ad to look for two and two Sherpas and I'm an elephant picnic we do ... (If anyone trovasseuna alzetina cake-fold, me la faccia sapere)

Friday, February 26, 2010

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paddies, so just paste .... waiting for the dentures

La torta è fatta proprio  con la pastina,  quella ci perseguita per la maggior parte della nostra esistenza. Ce la siamo  mangiata dallo svezzamento in poi,  ci ha riabituato a mangiare dopo le indigestioni e le  l'appendicite. Come tutti l'abbiamo sputata ridendo sulla faccia  della mamma  ad un 'età in  cui la cosa che faceva anche riscuotere applausi,  We were given a spoonful of chicken broth with the grandmothers, until the last packet is not finished in the pantry behind it all.

Given that the next time you eat, you probably will because I will not have teeth to chew with which I used for this cake I had tasted in Sweden , where the "macaroni" is dough nuts that we call goes soft in three minutes and that Swedes eat with the spoon of cranberries.
now unable to export "soup" as it should be done, or grandmother with a spoon and attacked, say that you can at least try to make it international.
The cake in question is great for a robust breakfast, remains soft and beautiful chi ci scometterebbe che è  fatta con la  pasta ?


100 gr di  risoni  lessati in  acqua senza sale
150 gr di farina autolievitante
100 gr di  mandorle tritate
50 gr di di noce di cocco
1 cucchiaio di  scorza di limone grattuggiata
150 gr di burro sciolto
150 gr di  marmellata
170 gr di  zucchero
3 uova sbattute

In una terrina capace metter lo  zucchero, la farina.  le mandorle e  il  cocco, mescolare make a small hole and stir the remaining ingredients previously mixed separately. Stir until the mixture becomes omgeneo.
Bake for 35 minutes at 180 ° C in preheated oven

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dangers Of Nicotine Lozenges

Biscuits fast for the man of tomorrow .....

few days ago I went into a shop with Jack, he saw the pot and I I was buying them to him when a lady says to me: "ghe Buy teciette But the forfeiture, but no one masccetto x?"
And why not! That it is a boy, a boy who I hope will not be great risk of starvation because they can not get to eat.
fact Jack is a curious child, always busy, while Yups! is a calm that seems to have been born from the thigh of a queen, and says it che si vuole trovare qualcuna che come  si  dice qui  " se lo rancura", ma nonostante non  pratichi,  sa cucinare.
Comunque  a prescindere da tutto ciò,  navigando in  internet,  facendo  un  giretto all'Ikea,  si  scopre che  la pentolina  è  già  stata  sdoganata e non è più solo  roba da bambine.  Ed eccolo  qui  Jack  in perfetta tenuta da Chef  Cake Monster,  arrived from England full of tools that Jack has renamed: pianello (rolling pin), mix, and a terrinetta formulas.
I take inspiration from everything to say that in the end gender equality starts from simple things: the bathrooms, finally appeared in shopping malls are the bathrooms for the children , and changing tables in the men's room, which avoided a lot of dad splashing of the beds or sneak into the women's bath caccosa Defeat the creature and the games that we finally explains how millions of women have been trained by the pan and the most well-known chefs are men, perhaps meritodelle sisters.
The first recipe tested with the help of mother tongues are fast cat that does not deny anyone


40 g flour 60 g sugar
30 g butter, melted 1 egg white slightly beaten
few drops of almond essence


preheat the oven to 180 degrees. In a bowl sift the flour and add sugar, butter, egg white and aroma. On baking sheet lined with parchment paper to make circles with half a teaspoon of dough and cook for 5 minutes.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cuticle Infection Pedicures

Stardust .......

What does Peter Rabbit with this cake, to tell the truth nothing but the saucer is part of the set lunch, Jack. I thought that a cute bunny tempted to eat the cake.
A real surprise this American Pie soft soft with some slight variation compared to one that I have published previously.
I looked at the date of the last post and thought-Mammamia! from what I do not write? -. But all in all things they have happened since the signing of the joint application for divorce, which somehow has a bit 'of order in my life to a Christmas gift to me the fact that a Beloved .. ereader new again!
and distracted me so I started to read here it is the jewel that I had kidnapped

Like all obsessions obsessive compulsive now is who takes the reading and say I'm going to just dive in the books by Stieg Larsson, which covers the box and the architect who designed the study next to my
But the cake? The cake was
smudge in no time at all, he scented the house banana for two days away with the dust of stars !


250 grams of flour with yeast
150 grams of brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 / tsp
salt 1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 / 2 teaspoon nutmeg
390 g of mashed bananas
70 grams of yogurt to the banana
2 large eggs 85 g butter, melted cooled
1 / 2 cup of espresso

Procedure Mix all in a bowl dry ingredients. Add the crushed pulp dele banana yogurt, eggs, coffee and butter.
Add a little 'time to the dry ingredients to wet ones, cotinuando to mix with electric beaters until the mixture is smooth and without lumps.
Bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes at 180 ° C in a loaf pan.
Unlike pevede that remain from the original recipe of banana pieces and mix the bare essentials, I like this cake very smooth and soft.