Saturday, October 17, 2009

Black Lines Projector

parallel universe with the face of the panda

Well, then I complain that I'm tired, but who am I doing this to get up at six o'clock on Saturday to try to do white bread in the face of a panda? Due to a Japanese site which I understood only the numbers. How can you resist? Why not try making a bread with your face?
Here is the result! Have not so bad! Maybe it's a little 'cross-eyed forse non sembra neppure un panda, ma ammettete la soddisfazione?
Adesso con la testa che mi ciondola, sbadigliando come un sioux con tanto di uhuuu, indossando una vestaglia leopardata rosa e nera di Hello Kitty, sto per svenire sul divano ... e come diceva Rossella o'Hara: " domani ...domani è ....ora di fare la torta salata.."

Stampo da cake 25cm per 8 cm per 7 cm
23o gr di di farina di manitoba
7o gr di farina 00 (più quanta necessaria per impastare circa 100 gr)
30 gr di zucchero
un tuorlo + latte fino a raggiungere la quantità di ml 210
18 gr di burro sciolto
12 gr of fresh yeast
2 sachets of saffron in two tablespoons of water
8 grams of cocoa in 8 oz of water.


Put the yolk into the milk when warmed, dissolve yeast. In a rather large bowl mix the flours with the salt and sugar and melted butter. Add the egg with milk, add a tbsp flour if the dough is too soft.
to rise for about 40 minutes covered by the film.

Lower the dough.

Divide the dough to color it as follows:

75 g to which is added Cocoa

210 gr to keep white

coloring with the remaining saffron

Dough flavor

Dissolve cocoa as possible with very little water, mix it with the portion of dough from 75 g, add the flour need Startup.

Dough saffron

Dissolve saffron in warm water and mix by adding the necessary flour until the color becomes uniform to

Let rise for 15 minutes separately.

Prepare the muzzle :

Roll out the dough shaped white rectangle about 20 cm long.
Divide the dough with chocolate as follows:

eyes: two pieces of 27 g each

two ear pieces with the remaining

Form two cylinders of dough in the white chocolate mixture, lightly pressing to secure extremes:

Close the dough toward the center by sealing with a little 'water brushed on the overlap, press lightly between the eyes

Girare il rotolo con la chiusura verso il basso :

Appliccare sui lati le "orecchie " passando un po' d'acqua per attaccarli

Stendere 70 gr di impasto in un rettangolo da porre tra le due orecchie

Stendere il rimanente impasto allo zafferano e avvolgere il tutto lasciando le chiusure come da foto

Ungere stampo da cake e mette il panbriosche con le giunture verso il basso
Lasciare lievitare for another 15 minutes.

c and bake at 185 degrees for 30 minutes.


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