Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stickers On College Helmets


Sorry if in these photos I seems like a drug abuser, but I was just came back home after Lady Gaga's concert, and I was already touched from the experience!!
In these images, I wear this grey blazer with these applied studs. I applied them by myself, to give a "rock" essence, and at the moment they're really fashion, they makes the outfit stronger and marked.

Scusate se in queste foto sembro una drogata, ma ero appena tornata a casa dopo il concerto di Lady Gaga, ed ero ancora molto toccata dall'esperienza!!
In queste immagini, indosso questo blazer grigio con borchie applicate. Le ho applicate io, per dare un'essenza più rock, e al momento sono davvero fashion, e rendono l'outfit molto più "forte" e deciso.


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