Thursday, December 3, 2009

Stroke Timeline For Arm Movement

Beignet corn or corn fritters .... The eager

It 's a period noiosetto ma impegnativo,  l'Amato Bene è  impanato  e cotto  di lavoro, Yups! è preso con il  campionato di  basket ogni sabato  ed è  iniziato  tranquillo periodo di  glasnost e perestroika con il mio  ex marito .
Tutti  questi ingredienti  fanno di me una donna pressochè  esausta che corre da destra e sinistra in maniera apparentemente scoordinata, insomma  una specie di  maratoneta che esce più  veloce di un rapinatore dai  negozi,  lefty km and making purchases in installments.
If I try to delegate something to someone inevitably do something else that I find myself with two commitments instead of one.
To this was added to mange and rognette that everyone could be saved, like trying to extract a piece of Lego from the navel of the infant's largest, to try to remove the ; signs of a sneeze Barley Bimbo from the small kitchen wall, or search for the plumber to repair the tape in the bathroom.
As two creatures I do not give up , and never wanted to eat ilmecdonald, I thought "potacio" for "potacio, these might as well make him at home. As the recipe may seem odd these fritters are good and can be be accompanied with a side dish of vegetables.
The only thing I had not thought was that I had put on a dish that usually use for cakes, and Beloved, thinking ; were sweets, if they have eaten with two latte before me ... but it seems a savory ...
course my love that salty! I swear that it was revenge for having broken the lid dell'alzatina Ikea ....

Makes 6 servings

1 / 2 cup flour with baking powder 310 gr

corn drained 1 / 3 cup grated cheese 2 eggs

1 tablespoon salt ; ketchup


Procedure In a bowl put the flour with salt, add the cheese and eggs and ketchup and mix well. In a pan melt the butter, add three pieces of dough well apart, to brown over medium heat for three minutes on one side and then three more from 'else. Cook the other three portions.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Stevia Japan What Is The Harm Of Stevia Herb?

cake with blueberries in syrup

Maybe it's because I live in a condominium in town that the obsessions take me from "life as an English cottage." It 'a kind of frenzy that worsens with the change of season. Practically, I feel like candy, candy frost and even relatives. Then all the jars on the bottom end or the fridge or in storage, as the dark and fresh, on a small altar to jam forgotten.
So ends the jam I buy for my use because I do not mind opening the jars. Then this summer, the Beloved and I have collected well in the woods four pounds of blueberries that nobody has been able to eat because I had the itch is worse headphone jam Tyrolean fabric.
will state the status of mountain isolation, but when we were on vacation and we had a couple of hours we went to be alone in the woods .... Now, we alone are almost never there, especially on holiday what is the matter? mirtillomania and while the children were playing with the playstation with his grandmother he and I to see the fruits of the earth. So that if you heard us screaming in the woods: Love look there! vieni qua! Ecco ! Sììì !.. si trattava solo  di mirtilli. 
Visto  che glie li ho  anche  li ho anche sciroppati  'sti benedetti mirtilli ,  adesso c'è l'altarino anche in  frigo.  Poichè  nessuno aveva mangiato uno  in tutta l'estate,  mi sono decisa finalmente ad aprire un vasetto di  quelli  sciroppati  e fare questa tortina  da cottage.
Dopo la stagione del'anguria e del  melone .. lo  Amato know well is the season of brown ...


90 g butter 220 g

flour 1 / 2 tablespoon baking

2 eggs 125 g sugar 1 packet of
2 tablespoons sunflower oil
3 tablespoons cranberry syrup

Blueberries Blueberry syrup

equal amount of sugar

preparation of the syrup of blueberries

Weigh the blueberries and put them in a saucepan with an equal amount of sugar. Stir with a wooden spoon, bring to a boil, lower to the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Put in a clean vase and invert to cool. Keep the refrigerator.

preparation cake

Beat the eggs with sugar until they become clear. Merge apart from the flour with baking powder and vanilina. Melt the butter. Stir the egg mixture with flour and butter.
unostampo from Grease cake and pour the mixture. Make three equally spaced holes in the dough and put the syrup. With a long skewer or a toothpick to draw circles throughout velocementedei lalunghezza mixing syrup all'mpasto forming streaks. Bake at 175C degrees for 35 minutes

Friday, November 13, 2009

Advent 6311 Built In Webcam Not Working

Noblogal .... toilet paper international manager "

As "international toilet paper manager", trai  miei  compiti  c'è  quello  di  fare il  portachiavi umano. La mia utilità  è pressochè  quella del  gancio che si  attacca al passante dei  pantaloni per non perdere le chiavi e forse anche meno in quanto  io  ho una vera e propria idiosincrasia per le chiavi.
Un  giorno, mi  arriva il  notizione che devo  accompagnare una certa persona in un certo posto. Il nome mi è conosciuto, così indago a little bit and find that it is he that .... good things ... the award-winning, the pluriassaggiato, pluridecocarato idol of the kitchen.
I beg to make the key human and are answered. I say nothing, but if you ask me why I know who he is ready to rattle off which gave prizes to its local recipes .. publications.
Then what is the most I'm afraid, "the lady knows that (I) has a cooking blog?" Star reply "Yes, but I am a NOBLOGAL!"
And so I kept quiet, in fact I did not even open his mouth. Frozen in my position as a key ring.
Ok so it went, I splashed the word. I could not and did not want to bother asking for a person of his work and he was also sympathetic. Nothing to say, on the other hand each in his place and his job.
So I think and wonder, but it is so shameful to have a blog? Probably, for the professionals and the blog is not a business professional.
So here is the answer to a question that runs between the blog and highlighted very well in "Ratatouille" (Carton): It is true that anyone can cook, but as in any field professionalism and talent are indispensable, not just the good will or just a passion.
So, what is express my opinion on the issue of so-called authorship of the various recipes and copying.
I find fantastic and half blog extremely democratic dissemination, even if sometimes the dissemination and appreciation of something is not synonymous with a great new feature or something of exceptional quality.
Not being, neither a professional nor a person with a special talent for the kitchen I thought that when I publish a recipe, make available to offer her a slice of torta a degli amici. Il  foodblogger  professionista quindi  mi  sembra un controsenso, ad esclusione di qualche  caso particolare  che si  è affermato  anche per altri motivi e qualità.
I  blog hanno questo  enorme effetto  di  provocare una valanga per cui  da un commento si  scatena un  fenomeno.  Come tutti  i  fenomeni non li  si  si può sempre snobbare e anche i cuochi  che vivono  in reality and the appreciation of others should take a walk every so often to see who have before, especially something like and why.
As for bloggers, but tell us to protect the people? How many of you earn or live there, what you lose if you copy a recipe? As engaging and exciting it is, in most cases, a beautiful, engaging, wonderful hobby!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Kate Playground Vacation

Cheesecake strawberries with lemon sirocco anticontagio

Jack has taken three years. Needless to say we celebrated. Friday with his grandparents in Mestre, on Sunday with his grandparents, uncles and cousins \u200b\u200bin Treviso with a lot of excavator mounted with grumbling Well Beloved who began fiddling with the pedals and the plastic bucket. While the elf dad assembled .... I saw that Jack had cabernet red cheeks and her hands burned. After a quick tour of temperature measurement with all conscious methods, confirmation was 38.5. The birthday party has become so in a rush to celebrate all over the house, while brandishing a supposedly signed screaming - I swear that you do not get hurt -. The chick was grabbed but shook his cheek and not even supposed to snow-white wig was able to reassure him.
Then at the end of a kiss and a reassurance and the passage of the supposed grandmother, finally siluretto has done his duty. The celebrated
forces was able to compile, and use the 'excavator but only in the living room.
the fateful moment of blowing out the candles, we looked at everybody, and we'll be tipped off sick in 14, a first aid stuff from clogging. So, dad had the idea, film anticontagio on the cake and blow away the various. Happy Birthday James!
- the pastry with lemon
250 grams of flour 00
180 grams of butter cut into pieces 2 egg
2 tablespoons lemon juice
4 tablespoons sugar
- ingredients
strawberry syrup
375 g cheese
sugar 2 eggs
60 ml of lemon juice is
1 heaping tablespoon of corn flour
125 ml of cream

put in the blender with the butter sugar and flour and press the button with pulse for 30 seconds until the crumbs, then add the egg yolks and lemon juice to operate for another 10 seconds. Knead briefly by hand to put in the freezer. Roll out between sheets of plastic wrap and line the bottom and sides of a round cake pan with high sides.
in an oven heated to 170 ° C bake the pastry for 10 minutes covered with rice or stones ceramic firing blank. Remove the kernels and cook for 10 minutes.
Spread the cake with strawberries in syrup, made with the recipe for bread machine jam program.
For the filling beat the ingredients in the order above with the electric whisk, stirring well after each addition.
Pour the filling on the pastry and bake for 30 minutes in the oven at 180 ° C

Monday, October 26, 2009

Is A Soundblaster Worth It

flan pumpkin and pancetta and brioche bread

Beloved I have the fire in the nose, allergy, allergy and did not seize the spring more, just like me.
No curtains, no carpets, no toy for children, no dust. As a tank you should say that single life in a house design or I'll keep the allergy. Needless to say, has a stuffy nose, teary eyes and you can not blow his nose. It 's the second time that deflate the turbinates of the nose and the second time I look where I ended up strips of plastic required by the uniform Albanian boat that wants to come down from the hospital. Nothing to do in our house there is a parallel universe where they are mismatched socks, slippers, plastic the Imodium when you need it, and my beautiful shirt of which I have no news since 1998.
Every now and then things grow back, but the terrible sweat pants long resident apparently is not even there parellel universe. So my love is due to go to decathlon and buy a couple more after work, that only yesterday appeared again poof they are three other pairs, poof risputacchiati a basket of stuff to be ironed out to where even when the pedal pushers I was pregnant with Jack, an apron of asylum Yups .... and magic spells, a plaything of mismatched socks whose twins were thrown away from the beloved Well in a moment of discouragement.
Better to lie or remain silent? I chose the option to animate da villaggio cercando di distrarlo, quindi mi sono infilata i calzetti single e ho cominciato a spolverare con le mani infilate, una in un calzetto a quadri e una in un pedalino blu, ho fatto due pupazzetti per Jack e un po' me li sono nascosti in borsa in modo da buttarli nel primo cestino andando al lavoro. Lo so ..L'Amato bene mi ha sgamato, glielo ho letto negli occhi .. lucidi da acaro ...

Ingredienti per la pasta

1 e 1/4 cup di farina bianca
90 grammi di burro
1 cucchiaino da te di noce moscata
1/2 cup di formaggio grattuggiato circa 60 gr
1 tuorlo
1 o 2 cucchiai di acqua fredda


1 cucchiaio
oil 2 slices bacon, diced 1 cup
and 1 / 4 of cooked pumpkin about 375 grams of raw
1 / 2 cup heavy cream 1 tablespoon herb
1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil pepper

salt 1 / 2 teaspoon nutmeg


for pasta

Heat oven to 210 C °. Put the flour and butter in the robot and operate it at intervals for about thirty seconds until very fine crumbs are formed. Add the nutmeg, egg, cheese and a spoon first blending of water at intervals for another 20 seconds that is, until it forms a ball, add more water if need Startup spoons. Knead on a floured surface until the dough becomes smooth. Put in refrigerator for about 20 minutes covered by the film.
Grease a 23 cm flan mold, roll out the dough between two sheets of plastic wrap and spread in greased pan. Bake covered with baking paper and rice or ceramic cores for 10 minutes. Remove paper and kernels and cook for 10 minutes.
Lower the oven temperature to 180 C °.
Prepare the filling.
In a heavy-bottomed frying pan to brown the bacon in a tablespoon of oil and wipe with paper cooking, combine all filling ingredients and pour over freshly baked pastry. Bake for 35 40 minutes until the surface is golden. Serve warm.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Black Lines Projector

parallel universe with the face of the panda

Well, then I complain that I'm tired, but who am I doing this to get up at six o'clock on Saturday to try to do white bread in the face of a panda? Due to a Japanese site which I understood only the numbers. How can you resist? Why not try making a bread with your face?
Here is the result! Have not so bad! Maybe it's a little 'cross-eyed forse non sembra neppure un panda, ma ammettete la soddisfazione?
Adesso con la testa che mi ciondola, sbadigliando come un sioux con tanto di uhuuu, indossando una vestaglia leopardata rosa e nera di Hello Kitty, sto per svenire sul divano ... e come diceva Rossella o'Hara: " domani ...domani è ....ora di fare la torta salata.."

Stampo da cake 25cm per 8 cm per 7 cm
23o gr di di farina di manitoba
7o gr di farina 00 (più quanta necessaria per impastare circa 100 gr)
30 gr di zucchero
un tuorlo + latte fino a raggiungere la quantità di ml 210
18 gr di burro sciolto
12 gr of fresh yeast
2 sachets of saffron in two tablespoons of water
8 grams of cocoa in 8 oz of water.


Put the yolk into the milk when warmed, dissolve yeast. In a rather large bowl mix the flours with the salt and sugar and melted butter. Add the egg with milk, add a tbsp flour if the dough is too soft.
to rise for about 40 minutes covered by the film.

Lower the dough.

Divide the dough to color it as follows:

75 g to which is added Cocoa

210 gr to keep white

coloring with the remaining saffron

Dough flavor

Dissolve cocoa as possible with very little water, mix it with the portion of dough from 75 g, add the flour need Startup.

Dough saffron

Dissolve saffron in warm water and mix by adding the necessary flour until the color becomes uniform to

Let rise for 15 minutes separately.

Prepare the muzzle :

Roll out the dough shaped white rectangle about 20 cm long.
Divide the dough with chocolate as follows:

eyes: two pieces of 27 g each

two ear pieces with the remaining

Form two cylinders of dough in the white chocolate mixture, lightly pressing to secure extremes:

Close the dough toward the center by sealing with a little 'water brushed on the overlap, press lightly between the eyes

Girare il rotolo con la chiusura verso il basso :

Appliccare sui lati le "orecchie " passando un po' d'acqua per attaccarli

Stendere 70 gr di impasto in un rettangolo da porre tra le due orecchie

Stendere il rimanente impasto allo zafferano e avvolgere il tutto lasciando le chiusure come da foto

Ungere stampo da cake e mette il panbriosche con le giunture verso il basso
Lasciare lievitare for another 15 minutes.

c and bake at 185 degrees for 30 minutes.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ontario Transfer Personalized Plate

TangZhong ... Chinese bread ... Do ya I'am really sexy?

Maybe I knew it all but I had never heard of before. The Chinese method for making bread or mentodo of 65C °
How not to try since I have tried everything?
After I got up at night to cool a colony of bacteria that will multiply instead of killing each other after breaking the Maronites to a condominium with all the cakes Mormons friendship which rise continuously, avere corrotto panettieri e surgelato pezzi di pasta madre padre e figli , qualche bel risultato l'ho anche ottenuto. Intanto l'Amato Bene si ingozzato di pani improbabili prodotti in quantità industriali e si è sorbito il mio faccino indispettito e poco soddisfatto.
Ad un certo punto si è stufato pure lui e, per farmi smettere ha perfino provato con una di quelle bassezze che gl uomini fanno quando sanno che non ne escono da una situazione fuori dal loro controllo e della quale potranno sorbire le conseguenze per circa 5 anni , cominciano cercando di annulare le difese buttandola sull'erotico-sentimentale e cioè il: " sai che sei sexy quando.....? (NdA nella fattispecie: quando panifico)
Want to stop? tell me! do not turn around. I'm sexy when I head into the spring and without glasses with the mouse look? when I do the wax with his foot resting on the bidet in his nightshirt that says "we are sleeping?" or with the Hello Kitty overalls size 50 with the writing on the butt that read so well that you are missing 6 diotrie but you think you are miraculously cured? When
've never been sexy? The one time I ate the donuts and I came out from under the jam and leads to the baby? , Ah, maybe that time when I could not go back on the pedal with the people who urged me to the beach? O qundo I sat down on sandwiches at the wedding of my sister?
Oh yeah I remember! the first time we went to dinner together and I ordered the bacon, I just fixed the equipment I have left his mouth tied with a Halloween decoration!
"But no, it made me laugh by ..." That's so ... I make you laugh and maybe sometimes a bit 'shame. But if I keep children tomorrow, I'll dive into a waxing, I bought a push up, a pant that is not the scale reproduction of Mascalzone Latino, I pull out the fondue set, buy the strawberries and chocolate .... . and see.
"That desire to multigrain bread that came .....!" I said I did not understand if
winked at me in a way malicious or not, strawberries? romantic evening or a tournament of "Not Ludo" with kids? Mah?
Then I was reminded of this phrase by Joseph Joubert "choose only one woman in marriage, if a man would choose a friend".
why do not you get angry, my love, why do not you get tired of me!
then caught the Chinese bread!
I did not know this method but we say it is relaxing and the bread is very light.
Ingredients for TangZhong
50 grams of flour 250 grams water Manitoba
Dissolve flour in a heavy-bottomed pot with medium heat. Stir constantly to avoid burning. After about 3 minutes in the mixture is thickened to form large bubbles will disappear when the mixing mpasto will see the bottom of the pan so the mixture is thickened ready. If you have a thermometer the temperature should be reached 65 C °. Now just cover it with plastic wrap leaving a small hole to release steam. The
TangZhong is always used at room temperature and can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days is unusable if it becomes gray.
When you use the texture is gelatinosa.
Ingredienti per il pane bianco
150 gr di farina 00
100 gr di manitoba
più altra farina per spolverare abbondantemente l'impasto se fosse troppo appiccioso.
80 gr di Tang Zhong
105 gr di acqua
6 gr di sale
12 gr di lievito fresco di birra o 5 di secco
1 cucchiaino di zucchero
25 gr di olio di oliva
Sciogliere il lievito nell'acqua tiepida con un cucchiaino di zucchero. Combine flour, salt, crumbled TangZhong and incorporate the dissolved yeast and olive oil as the last ingredient.
Knead on a floured surface and let lievitareunto oil and covered by the film until tripled in volume. I put in the microwave covered by the film and we do make two laps. Turn down the dough, knead again, let it rise until it swells. Then always, with plenty of dusting flour spread it with a rolling pin to shape into a rectangle, then wrap the long side, brush the crust with a rise of oil and put it back until the oven is heated to 180 C °. Bake for 30 minutes in the middle shelf.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do You Ever Turn In To A Human I Pokemon Dungeon

Just write a comment and I put the book myself!

Oggi non è un giorno particolare, ma mi va così. Ho guardato i miei scaffali di libri di cucina e ho pensato che uno dei miei libri potrebbe piacere a qualcun altro. Posso fare un regalo ad un altro foodblogger?
Mettete un commento sul blog, poi faccio scegliere all'Amato Bene quello che gli piace di più , e al food blogger spedisco il libro .... cosa dite? facciamo entro domenica?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Garden Planner Online

Knots of bread with the help

7:39 pm:
Yups: Mom pants that I wear?
Mom: Put a pair of underpants, undershirt you've changed the fart from preadolescence ...
Yups: What does it mean?
Mom: What did you wash your armpits and sat down with soap ... not past his eyes with two drops of vinegar to Christmas as Luigi fourteen ...
Yups: Tell me, tell me who this was .....
Mom: unredifrancia
7:45 am
Mom: What are you doing lying on the bed Yuuuppssss vestitimettiti ilgrembiule infilatilafelpa, beviillattemangiaibiscotti.
Yups 7:49 pm: Mom what is sex ..
Mom: Feelings ... guys ... ...... Ore7 sincerity, 56 Yups ..... Well, everyone's doing great and I miss the bus: my mother, father, uncles ..... 7.59 hours ...... grandparents grandparents also do it here!
Yups ... grandparents? ... But this sucks, boo .... speak no more of 'I'm sex grandmother did you hear? Mom said you have sex with her grandfather
Grandmother: 'sentinel mariamontessori Swedish ...
Mom: I miss the bus ... However Yups're too young, wait till I get home .. so again ... when you have many years .... Meanwhile, well I think ...
Yups: Mammaaaaaa I did not understand a thing ......
Mom: call me while on the bus!
8:04 pm
Mom: Tell me Yups ..
Yups: Mom, I did not understand one thing ...
Mom: I'll explain tonight at home ...
Yups: No to sex that thing .... but because you took my apron and I've pulled your jacket? ..
Mom: Oh my God it's true!!
.... laughter bus .....
Mantra that I have to say: I'm a mother ggiovvanne a mmammma that no embarrassing questions from the children ....

For this bread, the perfect result, virtually the mixture of Mantua, I added the improvers. Oh well by once in a while we need a little help

200 g 300 g 00 flour improvers

50g of 280 grams of warm water
25 g fresh yeast 2 tablespoons olive oil
EVO 1 teaspoon salt

to garnish toasted sesame
mix herbs de Provence 1 tablespoon milk


Dissolve yeast in warm water. Mix the flour improvers salt and oil in a bowl.

Slowly add water and yeast into the dry ingredients. Knead for 10 minutes by hand. Form a ball grease it and put it in a bowl covered with foil.

Let rise away from drafts until tripled from size.

Lower the dough and form a stick about 30 cm and knots while maintaining a spherical shape (I made 6). Spennelare Eger with salt water or milk and sprinkle with seeds or herbs. Heat oven to 180 ° C and bake for about half an hour.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pore Minimizing Foundation

leek tart Greek spinach and feta ... when you were back AllStar?

I thought that being a mother of boys I would have to follow the perservato fashion but I think Yups have pretty clear ideas on the subject. A child must be healthy carriers of All Star Converse canvas.
Now, for people like me in the '80s brought a bunch permanent, batwing-sleeved sweaters and lost the padding from the shoulders down the street running behind the autubus, for girls who were lost behind Nick Kamen was left in his underwear in front of the washing machine ... the ollstar purple (you still wore ties cones) had a dream that could come true even with the promotion and maybe even a subject in September.
In fact, I had a gift at the very top end of the second though I was typing in was postponed because Chucaracha caught playing with the typewriter, shorthand and had subscribed to me because even the teacher who was resaconto shorthand for a left-handed was like asking John MacEnroe to play with the right.
So that year, like all boys of my age, wearing the famous shoes. Only that, living in Venice, there were three things that the fashion did not take account: the heat, the fantsmini were not very common, and the summer is spent in changing for the beach hut.
So that summer we were three cousins \u200b\u200bin the middle of adolescence, you're ollstar equal. Around July they began to fall the first victims. A neighbor called the fire department thinking of the hut there was a gas leak from the neighbor, an aunt risk of being suffocated by the stench exhaled from shoes fail to fit the clothes in apnea, a pair of shoes were washed in a washing machine, pop written but the smell remained intact.
The summer of the year after ollstar were always a classic, but we bought all the shoes .... but it was also the year of my vacation in Greece where cousin took us all of the beautiful leather bags, which smelled of gorgonzola like shoes, but newly tanned skin. So
distance of 25 hearts found myself retrying ollstar, as a surprise to Yups! We have the same number. Thus prevented from mom, having found a 25 euro I had to stop a boy of 12 years with 43 of the foot to ask what they used. I took those blurred, seems to be fine.
Yups! was delighted, I could make him promise to put my socks and he's all happy. When she told my mom what I had given him, she turned her eyes saying màriasantissimanonsarannotornate, but no mother will see it puts Calz stop ..... Yups interruption and scream! ... Mom! Grandma! I just stepped on poop !!!!!..
Nick Kamen, I need you .... your washing machine .... and return the DoctorMartens!
Jumping Stake in fraser .... here is a pie to be done to forget. I like cold, even if it takes to roll out the dough Maciste.
For the neighbors, those shots accompanied by rhythmic groans you heard from the kitchen window were desperate attempts of the Beloved of my good and stretch the dough ... if you have a partner also used the frozen puff pastry ..




flour 30 g butter

60 ml olive oil 125 gr




450 grams of spinach

1 leek sliced \u200b\u200b1 / 4 teaspoon nutmeg

200 grams of feta

2 tablespoons bread crumbs

3 beaten eggs 2 tablespoons olive oil


Mescolare la farina al burro aggiungere il sale e l'olio e poi l'acqua calda. Formare una palla di pasta e farla riposare in frigorifero per una mezzora.

In una casseruola mettere gli spinaci lessati con il porro e fare intenerire il porro salare e aggiungere la noce moscata.

Unire la feta sbriciolata e il pangrattato. Lasciare raffredare e poi aggiungere le uova leggermente sbattute.

Scaldare il forno a 220°C .

Spread 3 / 4 of the dough and line a mold by a top edge 3 cm. Pour the filling and cover with remaining dough.

Bake for 45 minutes on middle shelf of the oven.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pattycake Online Forun

dessert raspberries betrayal

I have been in the pantry six Pavesini two fingers, four biscuits without straw fat without carbohydrates sugar, two windlass somewhat 'elastic, a strawberry yoghurt that was to become the gorgonzola, and frozen raspberries that I had dimenenticata freezer.
Zackkete here's a quick shot and not bad, in fact makes her figure!
creatures if they are eaten and called again.
It seems that they are just as good frozen raspberries still passed to the mixer with the sugar icing! The biscuits are crushed the same with the robot, the first of the raspberries so wash everything at once. .. a shame ...
say that is a dessert for the modern woman, or a worthy dessert after a paste with butter heated in the microwave, the bresaola con contorno di rucola già lavata e pomodorini
cioè, quello che una mia amica definiva il "menù del becco" perchè preparato in un secondo Giuro che torno ai fornelli anche perchè ho comperato un ultimo tafanario che ha fatto trabballare la mia unione: l'azatina di vetro con coperchio dell'Ikea .
Insieme al Babbo Natale tridimensionale comperato a Cortina ad agosto potrebbe essere prova di crudeltà mentale, ma si sa l'Amato Bene è tale per quello, anche se ultimamente sbuffa un pochetto.
Con 16 bullar svedesi piantate nello stomaco, di domenica all'Ikea alle due del pomeriggio, accompagnati da due deliziose creature come our children, I know that I would buy anything. Anyway I got to forgive the evening, I placed my little head up a brand new model and pillow Swedish CullaBulla I snored like a train so he had to sleep in the heat with the door closed in the children's room. Let's say you woke up with a broncetto not just to Brigitte Bardot and a pair of dark panda. But you know love is also made of this, I went back to sleep with my pillow dreaming Cullabulla el'alzatina pizza with Santa Claus ..... snoring a delicious Jingle Bell

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bmi For Females In Germany

Ginger and Fred Gemini or different? Dolce

So let me make the meringue dress or not?

This confirms that we are alive and well, after a long long vacation from the blog! In the summer house had burnt a coil of the oven and I cowardly dumped the kitchen eating watermelon and dried beef and cooking for the creatures and not for the Beloved that still has not been wasted because it is known, the man is a hunter and After a week of hardship and watermelon has ventured back to the Coop with a knapsack full of pirouettes in a pan and condriso and .... 12-pound watermelon with as a circle with center with a bowling pin in the hallway of the house.
a mountain, however, we have redone, much fresher and less time and watermelon, so I took .. I intend to eat! .. but also torteggiare.
Pending the post with the recipes ahead just a little 'things:
- I made a resolution to the Virgin Mary while I was in Salzburg, which also involved counting the Beloved, I think next year I will park in Years blue for the summer and he just runs away in Brazil;
- Jack has given up wearing the pants and underpants of aggressive sharks in perfectly at ease as Jack plays this way of playing there ... go a finire che si bagna, di sera finisce vestito come Borat causa lavatrici di mutande e braghette;
- Yups! è da giugno che non smette di giocare, si sogna i granchi anche di notte e il libro delle vacanze non sa neppure dove l'ha messo. Ha detto che non ha potuto fare i compiti perchè aveva il mignolo destro con la stecca (per una settimana), e ho dovuto ricordargli che era mancino urlandoglielo mentre faceva il portiere al campetto di calcio;
- E questi siamo noi, che dopo quasi otto anni di 24 ore su 24 insieme, di amorefamiglialavoro abbiamo scoperto che stiamo subendo una modificazione genetica, ci stiamo pericolosamente ingemmellando, qui si tratta di decidere se mi taglio i capelli or do I stick the Beloved ...
photos are PierPieroHelmutNewton, already mentioned for the mint cake his mom and beautiful girl is his girlfriend, who was drawn to us by deception because The photographer said he blatantly lied to her, saying "come to do the internship, that you have fun, they are nice ...", Lamart believed it, this is what is called a proof of love!!